Temporary Web-Hosting using XAMPP and ngrok

Chirag Rathi
Frontend Weekly
Published in
5 min readMay 30, 2020


Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash

Since code privacy is one of the main concern, no one prefers to share their source code with anyone, but what if we wanted to share our web app with someone? Neither one prefers to choose to share the whole source code nor to buy a hosting for this purpose. Right?

Rather we would prefer to host our project on the local server and then generate a temporary sharable URL. With this, the person to whom we provide the URL can easily have a look at the project without having access to the source code. So to proceed with this option, we use the following two tools:

  1. XAMPP: It stands for Cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB(Mysql), PHP and Perl. It is a free, open-source and cross-platform tool to create a local server. It makes easy for us to test the web-app locally.
  2. ngrok: It is a multiplatform tunnelling software, which is used to establish a connection by making a tunnel in between the local server and the public endpoint such as an internet.

Steps for installing XAMPP:

Step-1: Download the XAMPP setup from the Apache Friends website.

Step-2: Open the downloaded XAMPP file for installation.

Step-3: Deactivate UAC:



Chirag Rathi
Frontend Weekly

Data Analyst | Graduate Research Assistant @ University of Guelph | www.chiragrathi.com