Black Box Thinking: The Surprising Truth To Be Successful (Book Summary).

3 min readJun 12, 2020
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

We all yearn to be successful. Despite the difference in the end goal which defines success for each and everyone of us, there are some simple basics which we must adhere to. You might be a Doctor, an Athlete, a Businessman…., but the concepts explained as Black Box Thinking by Matthew Syed would be really helpful for you to shape and guide your self towards success. This article would be focussing on summarising some of the key elements presented within this valuable book.

If we want to be successful what should we do?

Success is not over night, it would require significant effort and commitment. And even though you have the required commitment and motivation, you may find yourself falling short. The simple but the surprising truth about success is “learning from failure”.

This might seem really simple. But Matthew illustrates the idea effectively using real world examples. The healthcare and aviation industry is introduced at the beginning, where real world scenarios are analysed to identify important truths about success.

In the healthcare industry, annually 400,000 fatalities are caused by preventable medical error in the United States alone. This is equivalent to two Jumbo Jets falling out of the sky everyday.




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