How To Become A Web3 Developer..

2 min readDec 10, 2022


How To Become A Web3 Developer

Web 3.0 is not just a new technology trend anymore as it evolves in the form of a revolutionary philosophy. The third generation of the internet revolves primarily around putting back users in control and ownership of their data. Any aspiring tech professional aware of web3 might wish to become web3 developer and join the game-changing industry. Many of you must have imagined the lucrative rewards of employment in the domain of web3. Well, the scarcity of web3 developers has obviously spurred massive growth in salary for web3 professionals.

Can you capitalize on the short supply of web3 developers and offer employers what they need? As a beginner, it is quite difficult to answer the question when you don’t have any knowledge or practical experience of web3. The following discussion serves as a web3 developer roadmap with a description of the rationale for pursuing the role of web3 developers. You can develop a clear impression of the skills required for catering to the responsibilities of


