21 easy steps to Happiness

Chit Dubey
6 min readMar 5, 2018


Who on this earth is not craving for happiness? The definition of happiness may vary person to person, so, the means to achieve it. In this search of happiness, we travel to many countries, climb mountains, bike for miles and go on dates. We are all trying our best to be happy, and this is what matters the most. There could be many ways to find happiness, but below are 21 easy steps to experience the happiness in our daily life:

1)Practice ‘LAGOM’: LAGOM is a Swedish word which means ‘just the right amount’ — not too much and not too little. This means we should find a balance between our materialistic and spiritual world. We should not crave something too much or run away completely from something.

2) Solidarity: It should be our lifestyle, and we should practice this virtue in our daily life. From helping someone at the workplace to neighbours to strangers. This small habit could spread positivity inside and outside world. More people do this better this world will be.

3) Walk with nature: Find time to go for a long walk, and if possible, walk alone. If possible walk between trees, inside the park or somewhere close to nature. Take a deep breath and smell the wind passing through the trees and leaves, observe plants and flowers. Enjoy the sunshine there and listen to the birds. Nature is always with peace and blesses us with harmony. Nature is kind and always sharing. This long walk could help you to connect with your inner self.

4) Love yourself: Before start loving others first start loving yourself. How can you fall in love with someone unless you love yourself? Your soul is your first stop and the temple. Please love yourself and bow towards your soul.

5) Dine with neighbours: Out of your busy schedule make it sure that you find time to have a dinner with your neighbours. Dutch celebrate National Neighbours’ Day every year on the 26th May. It is very important to connect with people who are living next to you rather than keep meeting friends online. Appreciate your neighbours and find some time for them in the midst of your busy life. They are the ones who will be around you when life plays tough on you.

6) Accept yourself: Accept yourself the way you are. Say ‘Thanks’ umpteen times to mother earth and people around you for this beautiful human life. Every individual’s journey on this earth is unique, and we should accept this wholeheartedly, so, ourselves.
7) Positive thoughts: In life either you could have positive thoughts or negative thoughts. If you have an option to think positive then what’s a point of thinking negative? Don’t let negative thoughts to come in. You become what you think. Your thoughts are the fuel for your actions. Be mindful and careful while thinking.
8) Seek inside: Instead of seeking outside seek inside. Happiness and peace are sitting inside us. We need to dive deeper and give time to ourselves. Unfortunately, we always look for answers outside. We should learn to trust our soul and heart and listen to it often.
9) Laugh often: Laugh is great medicine and costs nothing. Laugh with an open heart and do this often. Usually, we think too much before laughing. We think what others will think if we laugh loudly. Remember, you are laughing at yourself and not for others.

10) Travel: Travel as much as possible. You could travel physically and psychologically. When your read books you travel psychologically with writers and go far. When you travel physically you explore yourself and this world around you. You unlearn and learn about cultures, traditions and human behaviour which helps to decondition yourself.
11) Unlearn: Try often to unlearn. This society has conditioned us a lot. From the day we are born we are taught many things by our parents, relatives, and then through the education system. We could achieve this if we open ourselves to listen and read different opinions. It is important to unlearn.
12) Dance: Dance with madness. Dance freely and practice this often. It is not only good for the body but our soul. Dance without looking around what people think about you. Imagine that you are the only person in this universe and music is your soul.
13) Detachment: It is important to get rid of few objects which we possess from years. This helps us to practice detachment. This old object of detachment could be your favourite book, furniture, cloth, bicycle, etc. Just donate it to someone. Or feely give it to some friend. This small gesture helps you to remain detached in life. We tend to get attached to objects, and slowly they start possessing us. Remember, at the end death takes away everything so why not give away when we are alive?
14) Confession: If you think you were the reason behind some problem, then please confess. When you confess openly, it helps you to experience the inner bliss. It also reflects that you dare to accept the mistakes. This helps to progress happily in life.
15) Breathe Deeply: Often we take our breathing process for granted unless we experience the difficulty. Only ten times deep and slow breathing could help us to experience the instant relaxation. Whenever you are tensed and experience any anxiety, just close your eyes and take ten times deep breath. You could practice this after a stressful meeting or long discussion.
16) Spend time with pet animals: Spending time with dogs and cats and other pet animals is a meditative therapy. The pet animals are mostly selfless, and they love you without expecting much. Spending time with them could help you finding happiness.

17) Volunteer: Volunteer with organizations without expecting anything in return. In our daily life usually, we do things with expecting money or some form of reward. But when we volunteer for social causes without expecting anything in return it not only helps to create a better world around us but also brings inner harmony.
18) Random Kindness: Be kind randomly to strangers. Like showing a right direction to a tourist and if possible take them to your favourite place. If you see a woman or an old person struggling to lift a heavy bag — just help them. Help a blind person to cross the street. Share your food with homeless and poor people.

19) What is your priority? In life you only achieve something when it becomes your priority or centre point. When job is your priority you find a job. When being into a relationship becomes your priority you start looking for and finally you end up with someone. In the same manner when seeking happiness and peace become your priority you will find it. Always ask yourself what is your priority?
20) Creative pursuits and a community: Creative pursuits could be writing, painting, music, singing, acting, etc. If possible delve yourself into some creative pursuits. Creative pursuits are the form of catharsis and help you to express your hidden feelings. If possible, try to create a community around you where you could practice your skills in a group and also learn from others.
21) Say ‘Thanks’ while eating: While eating food say ‘Thanks’ to everyone who were directly and indirectly part of this entire process. From that first seed sowed to the ground to the farmer. Say ‘Thanks’ to the person who bought and to the person who cooked it. Say ‘Thanks’ to this universe and mother earth for blessing you with this moment. This magical word will make you calm, compassionate, kind and happy from inside.

We should always remember that happiness is a by-product of a process and not a trophy which we will achieve at the end of the finishing line. It’s a life-long journey, and we can keep experiencing it in daily life by enjoying small things.



Chit Dubey

Author of ‘21 Doors to Happiness: Life through travel experiences and meditaiton’