Active vs Passive Learning

1 min readJan 15, 2020


As you can see, there are multiple ways of learning. This diagram above clearly emphasized various levels of learning something new. Most of our education is designed around listening to lectures, reading and Audio.

I have personally experienced myself that once you have gone through all the Passive forms of learning, before you go to an exam and excel at it and remember all the concepts, best thing is to move into the Active form of learning. Not every one gets the opportunity to teach or mentor others, and most of our education systems are designed to get the best score and prove that you now have mastered something, while leaving your fellow peers who could not understand the concepts in dust, by not participating and encouraging competitive spirit rather then a collaborative environment.

When you teach someone, you are actually learning, discovering and applying those concepts and reinforcing any gaps you might have had. And your fellow students might ask you a question to rethin…

Originally published at on January 15, 2020.




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