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4 min readJul 11, 2024

Series: NFTs within the Web 3.0 Ecosystem
Blog #1: What are NFTs?

Author: Ancalagor the Red
Date: June 17 2024
Format: Blog Basics
Guides by ChitinNature

NFTs in a Web3 World.

Definition of NFTs

Non-Fungible Tokens, commonly known as NFTs, are a type of digital asset that represents ownership or proof of authenticity of a unique item or piece of content, typically stored on a blockchain. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, each NFT has distinct properties and cannot be interchanged with another NFT on an equivalent basis.

In sum, NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique digital assets that prove ownership or authenticity of a specific item.

History and Evolution

The concept of NFTs has its roots in the early development of blockchain technology. The first instances of NFTs can be traced back to 2012-2013 with the advent of "Colored Coins" on the Bitcoin blockchain. These were simple representations of real-world assets, but they laid the groundwork for more sophisticated NFT structures.

The true breakthrough for NFTs came with the introduction of the Ethereum blockchain and its ERC-721 token standard in 2017. This standard allowed developers to create unique, non-fungible tokens, which could represent anything from digital art to virtual real estate. One of the first and most famous applications of ERC-721 was CryptoKitties, a game where users could breed and trade unique digital cats, which gained significant attention and demonstrated the potential of NFTs.

What is CryptoKitties?

Since then, NFTs have evolved and expanded into various sectors, including art, music, gaming, and virtual worlds. The NFT market has seen exponential growth, with major auction houses like Christie's and Sotheby's hosting NFT sales, and high-profile artists and celebrities joining the space. This surge in popularity has positioned NFTs as a revolutionary force in the digital economy.

Key Characteristics of NFTs


Each NFT is unique and contains specific information that makes it distinct from any other NFT. This uniqueness is typically verified through metadata and cryptographic signatures, ensuring that no two NFTs are identical.

Unique Traits Between Both Ancalagor NFTs

Ancalagor NFTs:



Unlike cryptocurrencies, NFTs cannot be divided into smaller units. Each NFT exists as a whole item, making it impossible to split into fractions. This indivisibility is crucial for maintaining the integrity and value of the asset represented by the NFT.

One Edition Available Only


Ownership of an NFT is secured through blockchain technology, which provides a transparent and immutable record of transactions. When you purchase an NFT, you gain ownership rights to the unique asset it represents, and this ownership is verifiable on the blockchain. Additionally, NFTs often include smart contracts that can define specific terms of ownership, such as royalties for the original creator on secondary sales.

View the Ownership Status


NFTs have revolutionized the concept of digital ownership by providing a means to prove authenticity and uniqueness in the digital realm. From their early beginnings with Colored Coins to the explosion of interest driven by Ethereum's ERC-721 standard, NFTs have become a significant aspect of the digital economy. Their key characteristics of uniqueness, indivisibility, and secure ownership make them a powerful tool for artists, creators, and collectors in the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology.

By understanding what NFTs are, how they have evolved, and what makes them unique, you can better appreciate their potential and the opportunities they present in the digital world. Stay tuned for our next blog, where we delve deeper into the fundamentals of Web 3.0 and its relationship with NFTs.



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