Use the Concept of AIDA in Blogging to Improve Call-To-Action Response

Chitraparna Sinha
5 min readJul 23, 2016

The exponential growth of blogging has granted bloggers an elevated status in the world of advertising and marketing. Online product launches, event announcements, affiliate commission earnings and social cause engagements are usually happening using blog as a marketing platform.

As such, bloggers need to utilize certain methods to generate content engagement, prompting readers to take actions.

The addition of call-to-action messages within the post often either goes unnoticed or the readers lack curiosity to take action.

This is where the concept of AIDA in blogging comes in. This basic concept will help bloggers to structure their post when they want readers to take a specific form of action.

What is the AIDA Concept?

The AIDA concept has been used since the early 19th century but its popularity is attributed to E. St. Elmo Lewis, the pioneer of American advertising and sales.

He stated:

The mission of an advertisement is to attract a reader, so that he will look at the advertisement and start to read it; then to interest him, so that he will continue to read it; then to convince him, so that when he has read it he will believe it. If an advertisement contains these three qualities of success, it is a successful advertisement.

Lewis was the proponent of the perception that a good advertising copy generates interest and develops conviction in the mind of the audience.

The AIDA stands for:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

The AIDA is often represented as a funnel figure, which is also known as a customer funnel, marketing funnel, sales funnel or a purchase funnel.

In short, a marketing copy adhering to the AIDA concept has better chances of converting the attention of the reader into a conclusive action.

The Need of AIDA in Blogging

Blogging is not just about writing blog posts. True, a blog needs content but what is the purpose of the content?

Often, bloggers keep developing content aimlessly whereas each blog post should fulfill a purpose. Each blog post should be written with a certain purpose in mind.

The purpose should aim at making the reader take a certain action in the end.

Prerequisites of using AIDA in Blogging

There are certain prerequisites of using the concept of AIDA in blogging.

  • Targeted Market:

Your blog should cater to a certain segment of the audience. The blog you’re visiting targets bloggers and freelancers and therefore, each piece of content is developed keeping the audience in mind. Moreover, I know what they seek and they are eager to take action, provided I give them the correct offer.

Similarly, take a close look at your blog.

  • Is the audience generic? This happens when you’re running a multi-niche blog where readers with wide variety of interest lands there seeking something. In this case, you can optimize blog content using Categories.
  • Is the audience well defined? If yes, you’re lucky because all you’ve to do is implement AIDA by placing specific pointers, enabling the audience to take action.

A firm knowledge of blog audience is essential to implement AIDA in blogging.

  • Product / Service Propositions

Determine the agenda of the blog post. Are you promoting a product? If you are, what is the end objective of the product promotion? Few things could be:

  • social media shares
  • higher click-through
  • search engine ranking
  • affiliate commissions

…and so on!

Lastly, if you’re not writing yourself, you need a resourceful, experienced and skilled writer.

Now, let’s move on to applying AIDA.

Applying AIDA in Blogging

Let’s move on with the assumption that you’re interested to promote a product to earn affiliate commissions.

Here’s how you should be applying AIDA.

  • Attention

Attention is not just about attracting visitors. You can do that through search engine or social media marketing.

You need to create awareness about the product. Creativity plays a big role in creating awareness. The overall theme and design of the blog works but ultimately, the audience wants value, which is offered through content.

If you’re writing a review about the product, you need to introduce it properly, make the reader understand its usefulness and benefits.

You’re raising awareness.

  • Interest

If the initial introduction of the product doesn’t interest visitors, some percentage of them will leave the blog page.

Those who remain will be interested to know more. This is where you deliver in-depth details about the product using videos or a live demo of the product. You should discuss its important features in detail and bring out its usability for the interested audience.

  • Desire

Some more visitors will have walked away!

Those who remain will show desire in getting the product. For instance, you’re promoting a website optimization product and those who’re still engaging with the review post are online business owners. By this time, they start thinking how the product will benefit their business website.

This is the stage to go for the kill!

  • Action

Some more visitors will trickle away but those who remain are desirous of taking action. This is where we come to the end of the funnel. The visitors at this end are your defined buyer base who is ready to action. This action is obviously visiting the merchant website and buying the product.

You need to guide the visitors into taking the appropriate action. A miscommunication from your side will cost your product sales.

Not only affiliate products, the same strategy could be used for selling in-house products.

Post Structure for AIDA Implementation

The post structure matters a lot and there’s no specific template to follow. The decision is yours to make. Use past content engagement, reader feedback, on-site clicking data and your audience knowledge to define the post structure.

To make the content engaging, I can suggest the use of Infographic, videos, .gif, product user testimonials and high resolution images.


The application of AIDA in blogging really works. You need to create a planned strategy to draw the most benefit.

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Chitraparna Sinha

Content Strategist, Speaker, Consultant & Professional Blogger | Payoneer (India) Brand Ambassador