Change is the only constant

Jeremy Keck
2 min readDec 29, 2022


We live in a world where change is a guarantee for us. Nothing stays the same and we must always be adaptive and to be ready to change the way we behave.

In gist, change is the only constant for us.

When I was young, I remember those days where music CDs were so popular. Everyone practically owns a discman that is filled with CD of their favourite artist. Or how about the famous floppy disc where we used to slot it through our computer for any applications.

Within 10 years, MP3 players obsoleted discman and within a couple of years, our phones obsoleted MP3 players. Similarly, in just a few years, floppy disc has become something of the past. This is a simple and relatable example of how change took over our daily lives in a swift manner.

Of course, there are many other examples such as the change from dial-up Internet to WIFI, wired earpiece to bluetooth earpiece, bookstores to e-commerce, etc.

These are some impactful changes that shows how our lives turn out. In my opinion, it’s not a question of whether these changes are for the better or worse. But the point that I wish to bring across is that change is inevitable. I’m sure in the next decade, we will see new inventions coming up and drastically shape our lives. In fact, being an investor myself, I have seen massive growth coming from the technological space from both China and USA. The pace is scary, but that’s how we improve ourselves. Like it or not, we will need to adopt to these changes.

On the point of changes in technology, in the past, we buy and sell items using cash. However, if we date back to history, cash evolved from the use of gold and silver. Moving forward, for all we know we could be using cryptocurrency for transactions. Well I’m not endorsing on cryptocurrency, but just trying to bring across the fact that changes are everywhere.

You may ask, why am I talking about all these?

Being a parent myself, I do see vast differences between how parents of today versus parents of the past in terms of bringing our children up. At work, companies stress on productivity and efficiency. We cannot be using the methods of the past without improving on it to suit the current condition.

Since we know that change is inevitable, everyone of us must have that desire to learn and improve ourselves. We should always be ready to learn new knowledge and never be stuck in the old ancient way of teaching.

I always believe that if we do not progress, we are not actually staying constant. In fact, as the world is moving so rapidly, staying constant may eventually be a regression in our lives.

