Oh hell no, I don’t want to learn TypeScript.

Daniel Garcia
3 min readAug 4, 2020
Photo By: @pinjasaur

Ok, we get it, you don’t want to learn TypeScript, but let me try to convince you.

Why should you use TypeScript?

If you already have some experience using JavaScript I bet you sometimes feel that it’s messy, you would end up with a lack of reuse and maintainability.

So if you want a maintainable code out of the box, then you should try TypeScript.

TypeScript it’s pretty straight forward if you come from javascript or any even something like java or C#, but if you don’t, I think you will get it right away.

But first, what is TypeScript?

TypeScript is an open-source language that builds on JavaScript, one of the world’s most used tools, by adding static type definitions.

Key Features

  • Supports standard Javascript, you will not need to rewrite all of you code base
  • Provides static typing. free unit test for type checking.
  • Encapsulation through classes…

