“Teach me how to post, teach me, teach me what to post!”

Chloe Castel
4 min readSep 15, 2016


Organic content” means “Home made content”

This week has been full of emotions. I have never been so stuck to my devices, constantly taking a look at my Facebook and my Instagram, checking how many people liked my posts… that’s crazy!

Who said that posting engaging contents was as easy as snaping fingers ? Good content is about posting the right content, at the right place, at the right time, to the right people.

Sould I Post Or Not ?

I assume that most you post, each days, pictures, comments and (#)hashtags on your own social platform. So far, using social media was like an entertainment for me, in order to share content with friends and families. Today, it sounds more like a social need than a random hobby and each picture and sentence you can post can be questionned. Is it “me”? Does it match with my values? Does it match with my friends’ values? Let’s be honest, each of us want that at least some people like what we post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Youtube.

After some years of publication — think I’ve started Facebook 8 years ago — I notice some correlation between the kind of content and the number of “friends” who like it, share and comment.

The biggest evidence is : everyone is curious about looking at YOU. Pictures whose you’re in have the most of success, that’s why the Selfy phenomen was a big buzz. You can say what you want — it’s so pretentious, so superficial, so whatever — you can’t deny it.

When Blogging Is Your Job.

Have you heard about The Blonde Salad, The Chrisell Factor or Song of Style ? These bloggers belong to the most influent people in the Fashion World.

Chiara Ferragni

Competition is hard, they know it, so each piece of content has to be better than the previous one and more it’s organic, more it’s authentic, more people are willing to like it. If it’s organic, it’s new; followers like the novelty otherwise they get bored.

What’s the difference between us — lambda people playing on social platforms and Bloggers (except the salaries and the number of followers)?

“Spontaneity”, yes ! How much time do you think it takes to create a content? It can be hours or days to realize a post. (I’ve experienced it, even if the results is not exaclty the same… )

How To Engage Thousands Of People?

BALMAIN is an example of success in term of social media achievment — I invite you to watch the interview of Olivier Rousteing by Alexa Chung for VOGUE — but the situation is : many brands are not able to do so and the big issue is “who you’re targeting with what kind of content?”.

Famous Bloggers are experts. These people worked very hard to appeal at the same time brands and followers’ attention. By the way, how to do it when all your content is private ? Very simple, you can’t.

Becoming a public figure is important !

Because of the News Feed update — on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, you need to broadcast your content on all the known channels. It can be a repost, a link and a # on tweeter, that way you’re sure no one will miss it!

Given that Facebook’s design is not the sexiest you can choose to post on Twitter, but many people don’t have Twitter account, so the first is vital to spread the word.

Instagram, thanks to its filters, can make everything glamourous, even a pair of socks... Besides, it can be useful to add a link on certain pictures or videos to connect it with others related content on Youtube, for example.

Personal Experience?

It was not easy to engage my facebook and instagram’s friends with information, pictures or videos about Luxury. Maybe because it lacked of consistence with what I’m used to post — actually not so many things.

So I had to communicate about it and explain what was the point. Communication is also important for bloggers! It’s the key of Personal and Socialize motivation because everyone is influenced by everyone at some point.

This post was created as part of the Global Luxury Management Program at the NC State Jenkins School of Management. All thoughts and opinions are my own.



Chloe Castel

Between France and the United-States … I’m studying at North Carolina State University as part of the Global Luxury Management Program (thrilling!).