you know, when it’s time to go.

✦ reignny !!
2 min readJun 24, 2024


The Other Woman (2009)

sometimes walkin’ out is the one thing, that will find you the right thing.

Leaving the relationship we had, especially the one that has been a significant part of my life, required me an immense courage. It is a step into the unknown, a leap of faith. The fear of loneliness and the uncertainty of what lies ahead paralyzed me just by thinking of it.

Having you no longer by my side pains me, knowing that you won’t be here to see me accomplish the things that we said to do together.

However, the realization that staying is no longer an option provides a unique kind of strength to me.

It is like a resolve born out of self-respect and my desire for a healthier, more fulfilling future. Even if it’s without you.

The process of healing begins the moment the decision to leave is made.

This is the first stage where the lyric “you know, when it’s time to go” begins to take root. The realization that staying in the current situation is causing more harm than good starts to dawn.

It is an uncomfortable yet necessary awareness that staying would only perpetuate the cycle of hurt.

I never imagined that I would have to walk away from something that once brought me so much joy and comfort. It felt like giving up on a dream — a future that I had envisioned so clearly.

But sometimes life presents us with situations where staying becomes more painful than the thought of leaving.

Despite my reluctance, I came to understand that holding on was no longer a testament to my strength but a source of my suffering.

Leaving wasn’t in one of my choices, but staying was no longer an option if I wanted to reclaim my peace and happiness.

But I wish you nothing but the best in life. I am grateful for the moments we shared and the love we once had, those memories will always hold a special place in my heart.

As I move forward, I carry with me the lessons learned and the love we shared, wishing you all the best on your journey ahead.

