Sorting Hat will tell you what type of person you want to be!

5 min readJul 22, 2023


Recently I have rewatched Harry Potter, I watched it as a child growing up, and I rewatched it again because it is played on my TV. I have been missing so many details watching it as a child, and I found my missing key by watching it again.

Photo by Blake Johnson

Sorting hat that knows you better than yourself

I have been to the Pottermore website and tested two times for my house sorting. The first time I got into Hufflepuff, I was very anxious because I always felt like I was more of a Ravenclaw because my favorite character is Luna Lovegood, so I think Ravenclaw is a house that never stops seeking the truth and I am a philosophical person. I believe in ghosts and other not physically explainable phenomena because I think humans who only use our five senses daily are too limited to the understanding of this universe, that is why there is religion.

Many of the most outstanding scientists in history have religion because they want to seek unlimited truth, and religion, for me, is just something that science cannot explain. I am a smart-quirky-fun girl no one understands, just like Luna (This is the part where I fangirl her and paise myself for a bit! Ha!). I got into Ravenclaw the second time, and my Patronus is a salmon. I have the Patronus as a salmon because the salmon fight against the odds, swim to the ocean, and jump upstream to give birth, and jump against the wave. It is one of the most challenging tasks in the natural, but this is their life goal, ‘逆流而上’ (a Chinese term meaning going against the odds)’: swim against the current. This result also makes me think of Cho and Cedric's relationship, the Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw dynamic.

Photo by Anana1703

According to the sorting hat, you can have all four qualities of each house, but the home will pick you based on your most dominant quality or what you value. For example, Harry was sorted to Slytherin, and Hermione was sorted to Ravenclaw at first, but they both value bravery the more, so they end up sorted to Gryffindor instead. I have Hufflepuff’s values because I believe in hard work, fairness, patience, and kindness. I think that these are fundamental human values that each human should have, but then I value Ravenclaw more, which is wisdom, creativity, and acceptance (in open-mindedness). For example, Luna is always weird (and people do not trust her and think she is a lunatic), but she can communicate with the house ghost Helena Ravenclaw. While Cho stands up for Cedric and joins the Dumbordore Army, even her mom works in the Magic Bureau under Umbridge.

Photo by Harry Potter Fan Zone

Cho and Luna from Ravenclaw

They both might be complete opposites, Cho is famous and athletic while Luna is a loner and she lives in her own world. The truth is after the death of Cedric, Cho becomes like Luna, and because she suffers from depression, she does not have many friends that stick around her and support her. One thing they have in common is that they are constantly seeking the truth and believe seeking it and acting upon the fact is correct. Joining the army is not only about discovering the death behind Cedric but both believed Harry and stood up to fight against Voldemort. Even when many people do not believe that Voldemort is alive, they both believe what they cannot see, they both choose to believe in the bigger picture, which is what Harry experience in the Globet of Fire.

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Voldemort is alive even though many people do not believe this truth.

Back to my recent encounter with one of my uncles, he is a pure scientific person and has a hard time believing in ghosts. I would not force him into believing in ghosts and seeking the truth till the bottom of the universe like me because that would make me a ‘religious fanatic’. However, in time, I believe everyone is living in a different time zone. They will have their spiritual awakening on their own. Maybe they will realize it in the near future, and perhaps they will never experience this in their life as well. My uncle told me that people solely believe in science because it is in human nature that we all fear the unknown, like ghosts or religions from different cultures. So, that is what I do, I believe in science, but I also have my religious belief, so I often explain what information I got from my religion and explain it using science. In that way, people can understand me and take on their spiritual journey.

Photo by Adron Buske

If you have lost your way in life, it is time to watch Harry Potter again and get some answers from the sorting hat (the Pottermore website). After all the movies I watched, Harry Potter, a healthy person should be all-rounded and have all the good traits from each house.




A writer that is in the flow of writing Everything, Everywhere all at Once. For Collaboration, please email me ''