How to Start an Awesome Celebrity Blog!

Chloe Gay
4 min readJan 16, 2019

Do you want to be the next Perez Hilton?

Image: Pexels (no attribution needed)

Ever since I was little, I’ve always aspired to be a famous journalist. Writing and reporting on the latest news headlines about the most famous people out there, for a popular glossy magazine.

Since the improvement of technology and the rise of smartphones and tablets, I thought to myself, how cool would it be to do all this from home and on my own accord? Now, that would be my dream job.

Perez Hilton has become the ultimate celebrity gossip blogger and columist. Image: Perez Hilton’s website.

The likes of Perez Hilton are really living the high life. He has created one of the most popular celebrity news blogs in history. Millions of people visit it everyday and use it as their go-to information on celebs. He really is the celebrity news guru and seems to know everything about them and their whereabouts.

Even more importantly — he is earning millions from it!

How to start a celebrity gossip blog

Want to know how you could become a killer celebrity blogger like him? May take some working on to become as big as him, but here are some tips with the help of CustomizedGirl Blog:

  1. Getting started — create the blog on the platform of your choice. It’s completely up to you which platform you decide to start blogging on. Medium (like this), Wordpress or Wix. Take your pick!
  2. Social media — you are living under a rock if you didn’t know that social media is the most crucial tool to have, to increase blog engagement. Make sure you set up a Twitter, Facebook and Instagram page to ensure a build in audience in no time. Go and check out my blog post about multimodality here and how to microblog on Twitter here for more information on this.
  3. Choosing your style — you need to decide what kind of tone and approach you’re going to take as a celebrity blogger. Are you going to write like Perez Hilton who is critical of every celeb out there or are you going to be more lighthearted and gossipy? You need to research the competition out there and see who’s writing about what and see where you can create a niche!
  4. Becoming the reporter — you need to be good at what you do to write a compelling article or post for people to notice it. Check out’s article on how to become a journalist here for more tips and guidelines.
  5. Dishing for celebrity dirt — make sure you follow celebrities and the well-known celebrity gossip magazines (such as OK Magazine and The Daily Mail) on social media. Regularly check the different platforms to stay up to date and report on breaking news as fast as you can. The quicker you can report on something, the better you look as a blogger!
Image: Unsplash (no attribution needed)

General tips and resources to succeed

When it actually comes to the writing and the general resources needed, here are some more tips that I have gathered from the rest of my blog posts to give you a quick summary:

  1. Always bare in mind what you’re writing
  2. Remember your audience
  3. Don’t say anything without evidence and ensure what you’re saying is correct
  4. Don’t always believe everything you read — make sure you read from a reliable source
  5. Increase your engagement— ask questions, conduct digital storytelling (eg. Facebook Lives and live tweeting)
  6. Stay updated with the celebrity world — don’t post outdated news
  7. Time management — think about using a tweet schedule tool, for example, Hootsuite to space out some of your tweets
  8. Always act ethically and obey laws (read my blog post about the laws you have to obey here)
  9. Be careful on social media — it is not the platform where you can post anything you want like many people think!
  10. Remember to have a good lead at the beginning of every post!

Enjoy what you’re reading? For all things celebrity, go and follow my social media pages:

Twitter: @chloehgay

Facebook: All Things Celebrity



Chloe Gay

Communication & Media Student at Bournemouth University. Blogging about all things Celebrity Journalism.