Why Change is So Difficult, and How to Make it Easier

Chloe Morgan
7 min readSep 29, 2023

Knowing what to expect can make a world of difference.

Photo by Suzanne D. Williams on Unsplash

An ancient philosopher, Heraclitus, lived 2500 years ago (give or take a little). Not much is known of him, and little of his work has survived to this day. One thing that has survived is how quote about change:

There is nothing permanent except change.

Humans as a species both crave and hate change. It’s hard. It’s uncomfortable. It’s unknown. Whether it’s something we’re excited for, like moving into a dream home, or something that brings us despair, such as the loss of a loved one, change can bring out many emotions, a lot of which we may not fully understand in the moment.

For as much as we crave and need change to prevent our lives from getting stagnant, we don’t always deal well with it.

Change Makes Us Uncomfortable

Whether it’s a move, a new job, or new people in our lives, change can make us uncomfortable. Thousands and thousands of years ago, when humans were hunter-gatherers, change could literally mean the difference between life and death. Today, not so much.

Unfortunately, the human body hasn’t quite caught up to the difference. The bigger the change we are facing, the more we resist. The bigger the change, the…



Chloe Morgan

Chloe Morgan is an author living in Northern Ontario with her pup Rhea. She is a mental health advocate, and loves creative pursuits.