Hyperbaric Therapy for Autism: Can HBOT Relieve Autism?

Chloe Paltrow
4 min readNov 10, 2017


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that starts manifesting with the symptoms surfacing in children once they reach three years of age. Despite the advances made in medical science, there is no possible cure for autism till date. However, Hyperbaric Therapy for Autism is steadily gaining popularity with many individuals opting for this alternative treatment in recent times.

Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) usually show a specific range of symptoms such as:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Demonstration of Repetitive Behavior
  • Learning Disability
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Dyspraxia
  • Epilepsy

All these factors cause impediments in social interactions, which if left untreated lead to severe depression in autistic individuals. Medical researchers are trying hard to ascertain the exact cause of autism. There are strong indications of some medical conditions aggravating the signs of autism spectrum disorder.

A few factors that can aggravate the symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are listed below:

1. Cerebral Hypoperfusion:

Medical research has identified a condition called Cerebral Hypoperfusion that is prevalent in children suffering from autism. This ailment is also generically known as Brain Ischemia. The body functions of the autistic patients ailing from cerebral hypoperfusion are badly affected due to the decrease in the flow of oxygenated blood to vital parts of the brain. This in turn affects the communication and comprehending skills in autistic individuals causing further deterioration.

2. Hypoxia:

Medical studies have shown that reduced oxygen levels in the blood flow, causes repetitive behavior in individuals suffering from this disorder. This condition is known as Hypoxia and occurs due to the depleting levels of oxygen in the human body. Once hypoxia sets in, the blood cells cease to function in a proper manner and remain idle for long periods of time. This dysfunction can cause the cells to rapidly degenerate and disrupt the entire nervous system.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) also intensifies certain conditions such as:

  1. Neuroinflammation: This condition occurs when the nerve tissues are affected resulting in brain trauma and could even alleviate autoimmune disorders if left untreated.
  2. Gastrointestinal inflammation: Leads to irritable bowel movement in an autistic individual, causing bloating of internal organs.

What is Hyperbaric Therapy?

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has become a safe and popular choice of treatment for autism since 2004. It has been observed that HBOT treatment increases oxygen levels in the body through the usage of pAutism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that starts manifesting with the symptoms surfacing in children once they reach three years of age. Despite the advances made in medical science, there is no possible cure for autism till date. However, Hyperbaric Therapy for Autism is steadily gaining popularity with many individuals opting for this alternative treatment in recent times.

How does Hyperbaric Therapy provide relief to autistic individuals?

Most of the indicative symptoms of autism are caused due to inadequate oxygen supply to the various parts of the brain. Hyperbaric therapy for autism stimulates the supply of oxygenated blood as a high level of pure oxygen is administered to the patient. This is believed to provide a sense of instant relief to the autistic individual. In recent times, there have been many instances of autistic individuals indicating drastic improvements in their motor as well as cognitive skills after undergoing successive sessions of HBOT treatment.

Individuals undergoing Hyperbaric Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorder have effectively countered Hypoxia related autism as well as autism caused by Cerebral Hypoperfusion. This therapy has also been a magical remedy for Neuroinflammation and Gastrointestinal inflammation and provided immense relief to autistic patients. Clinical results show a marked improvement in such cases following the introduction of hyperbaric therapy to their existing treatment plan.

When do the benefits of Hyperbaric Therapy become apparent?

There is always a certain timespan for any therapy to show positive results. In the case of Hyperbaric Therapy for Autism, the results may vary from person to person due to complexity of the disorder. The frequency of sessions of hyperbaric therapy for autism that a patient needs to undergo has to be ascertained by a qualified medical practitioner. Every session of HBOT is scheduled for an hour. Medical professionals recommend completing at least 40 hours of the hyperbaric therapy for autism in the span of a month.

Clinical research indicates that young children display immense progress when hyperbaric therapy for autism is initiated at a nascent stage as a part of their regular treatment. It has also been observed that the benefits of HBOT sessions have multiplied manifold, when the patients augmented their treatment with a healthy diet and nutritional supplements.

Hyperbaric treatment for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been steadily gaining popularity as it is being acknowledged as one of the most effective alternative solutions available in current times.



Chloe Paltrow

Being a medical assistant, I keep myself up to date with the latest happenings in the world of medicine. I'm also an active blogger & love to share my knowledge