Learn More About Gastrointestinal Issues in Children at the MAPS Conference in Spring 2019

Chloe Paltrow
4 min readJan 31, 2019


Pediatricians are medical specialists, who are responsible for diagnosing and treating the various types of ailments and disorders in children. Pediatricians treat all age groups, from infants to older teenagers. The anatomy of children, infants, and toddlers are fundamentally different from those of adults. Therefore, children require special care and a different type of treatment regime when they are sick. Hence, pediatricians are trained to deal with all types of health conditions affecting children.

Gastrointestinal Issues and Ailments

Gastrointestinal diseases are those health conditions which affect the gastrointestinal tract in one way or another, causing discomfort and digestive problems. The gastrointestinal tract comprises of the stomach, esophagus, rectum, large intestine, and small intestine. The accessory digestive organs such as the gallbladder, liver, and the pancreas also form a part of the all-important gastrointestinal system. The severity of the gastrointestinal disease can range from mild and manageable to acute and chronic.

Therefore, whenever the symptoms of such an ailment manifest in a child, parents must immediately set up an appointment with a competent and reputed pediatrician who is experienced in treating children with gastrointestinal conditions. Parents of children suffering from acute or chronic gastrointestinal problems might also consider attending the Spring 2019 MAPS Conference, which will help them gain greater insight into gastrointestinal issues and their causes.

Gastrointestinal Conditions in Children

It is by no means uncommon for children to suffer from gastrointestinal conditions. Thus, pediatric gastroenterology is a fast-growing sector of medicine. Parents must ensure that they know about the best pediatric gastroenterology specialists in their area, so as to ensure that their children will receive the best-in-class care and treatment whenever needed. Attending the Spring 2019 MAPS Conference will help parents, guardians, and medical professionals learn about the latest developments in the ever-evolving field of pediatric gastroenterology.

Some of the most common symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders in early childhood include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and vomiting. Usually, such illnesses are temporary, though the effect may be quite intense and debilitating at that time.

However, if the conditions persist and if there is anything unusual in the medical history of the individual, then the general physician treating the child must make a prompt medical referral to a trusted pediatric gastroenterologist. Some of the symptoms that should prompt further investigation into the nature of the illness are as follows:

  • Rapid weight loss and stunted growth,
  • Insomnia and sleeplessness,
  • Chronic and recurrent symptoms,
  • Genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal illness due to family history.

If a child displays any of the above-mentioned symptoms over a period of time, then it may be time to consult a pediatric gastroenterologist.

An Overview of Medical Conferences

Most physicians attend CME events and conferences from time to time. This is because these CME events help them learn new things and stay abreast of the latest developments in their field. Doctors also use CME events and conferences to network with peers and colleagues and to earn CME credits, which they need in order to maintain their medical license and keep practicing.

While CME conferences are undoubtedly beneficial for physicians and healthcare workers, the parents and guardians of children suffering from gastrointestinal issues may also benefit from attending such a conference. For instance, one can attend the MAPS Conference to be held in the Spring of 2019, to know more about gastroenterology and its related health conditions.

Why Pediatric Healthcare Providers Should Attend CME Events?

The parents, doctors, nurses, and other primary caregivers of children suffering from chronic gastrointestinal disorders should attend reputed pediatric CME conferences as they will be able to meet some of the best pediatric gastroenterologists in the world and learn about the latest innovations and best practices in the field.

They will also be able to learn about any new treatment techniques or scientific breakthroughs that might help the child get better. These CME events host a number of keynote lectures and panel discussions that are rich repositories of knowledge concerning a variety of ailments and the many treatment modalities and options associated with them.

In Conclusion

Childhood is one of the most important and crucial stages of a human being’s life. With their entire lives in front of them, children are full of potential. However, there are also many risks and dangers associated with this stage of life that are not as frequently talked about. Children tend to be more delicate and vulnerable than adults to diseases and ailments of all kinds. This is because the immune system is yet to develop completely during childhood.

Hence, extra care needs to be taken in order to ensure that the health of a person is not adversely affected during childhood, as this can lead to long-term consequences. So if your child shows signs of having acute or chronic gastrointestinal problems, then you should definitely consider attending a reputed CME event, such as the MAPS conference, in order to learn more about the ailment and find a solution with the help of the leading physicians and researchers working in the field. If you are interested in attending the MAPS Conference in Spring 2019, click here to know the details and register for the event.



Chloe Paltrow

Being a medical assistant, I keep myself up to date with the latest happenings in the world of medicine. I'm also an active blogger & love to share my knowledge