How do Minecraft Villagers function?

2 min readDec 12, 2022


A video game villager

Minecraft players often wonder: how do villagers and illagers speak? Do they use their noses, or do they have a mouth? How do they smell and taste? Today I’ll be answering these questions.

  1. Nose

The big nose might look like another mammal’s…

Proboscis Monkey

However, the villager’s nose is lying flat against his face. It is very big, therefore could hint great smell. It is hairy (the same colours as the sideburns). The nose needs to be raised while eating (to uncover the mouth, which can be seen on the sides), so it probably doesn’t have bones. It could also be there to collect bits of food as the villager eats, so it might as well have bones.

2. Mouth

The villagers eat, taste and speak with their thin mouths.

3. Baldness

Why are the villagers bald? One thing that decides about the lack of hair is very high body temperature. Their skin could be very thick, not letting heat out. During evolution, they could lose all of their hair, unlike humans, who have fur remains. However, they have got sideburns and a hairy nose. What do you think? Could their sideburns and hair on the nose cover the places where their skin is thin?

4. Arms

As you see, villagers have their arms joined together. Before they are born, their hands are joined together by bones and muscles. Villagers without their hands joined are very rare, because this is caused by an illness where their hand-joining muscles and bones don’t grow.

5. Language

First languages were grunts and hand signs. It seems that villagers still have a primitive language.

That is all for today. I hope you enjoyed this article.




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