Serenity Mask
5 min readJun 11, 2019

All this talk about light-workers, light-bringers, twin flames and the like has got everyone in an uproar. Let me make myself clear. I’m not here to explain any of this to you. I’m certainly no expert & I sure haven’t received some wondrous message from the Divine through channeling of some sort. I AM all for PEACE and spreading POSITIVE VIBES. Today, I want to discuss the who, what, when, where and why, with you!

The Who

Just little ole me, myself and I. I’m a newbie at this happiness business, but if I can be happy then so can you, I promise. I actually believed that I would never truly be happy due to my past traumas; mixed with my pessimistic tendencies to always be fully aware and prepared for the worst. Here’s a few things I had over time, grown to believe:

  • I believed that because of my past abuses and having had to live in extreme poverty, that I was never going to truly be happy. I didn’t know how, and it wasn’t my nature.
  • All of those chipper, smiling, joyous people couldn't possibly be THAT happy all the time. They must be faking or exaggerating to make themselves look better.
  • I may as well settle for the half-ass semblance of a relationship that I had because ALL men are the same. They all lie, cheat, take advantage… what’s the point of breaking up, when they all end up the same?

The last of those was the saddest myth of all the confusion that I had made up in my head, and it’s quite telling. Some of us come from long lines of dysfunction, and the toxic, co-dependent relationships we had always witnessed were the models we built our expectations upon, and became tolerant of. Verbal attacks, unfaithfulness, sadness, and constant arguing/fighting, etc. were normal for many of us that grew up in just another sad generation of the continued cycle of poverty and/or family traumas.

The only way to change this in our society is to BREAK THE CYCLE! We must educate ourselves, heal ourselves, and be determined to not let it go any further. Your children deserve better, and so do you. There are many support groups and resources that you can learn from and get emotional help and insight for how to change anything, as long as you are able to face things and leave denial behind. Then are also actually ready and willing to slowly make positive changes in your life.

I want my children, their children, and ALL future generations to thrive. I want the kids to know what joy is; to have hopes and dreams that they KNOW can be accomplished through hard work and perseverance; to have confidence and healthy views of self to be able to be themselves, without filters. Let’s just start every child there, nurture and cultivate him, and forego all the years of healing and UnMasking that can span over half the lifetimes of so many people.

*YOU! Yes, we need YOU to stand up and say, “We CAN & WILL do BETTER for our Children.

The What

Oftentimes, as individuals we get stuck in rut thinking that the world is too big, and we are too insignificant to be able to make positive changes for a better future for our kids. Or perhaps every time you try to do something big you hear nothing but others doubts and criticism. We are a society that likes to complain and mope about throwing regular pity parties for ourselves. Negativity is like a fast spreading virus that affects all in its path.

Everyone is susceptible to the negative energy, until you come to the realization that it doesn’t have to spread. Positivity is just as contagious as negativity. We’ve all heard the saying that misery loves company. However, JOY makes for a much more favorable companion.

This is where the Spreading Positivity comes in, e.g. Lightworking (click the link to see a definition by Steve Pavlina that is pretty good). Others see themselves as Earth Angels, or even God’s Army. The overall theme is the same. Projecting and cultivating LOVE, KINDNESS, & making others feel accepted so that they too can be happy.

Remember this song? “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it SHINE!”

That’s the idea in a nutshell. In case you haven’t, give it a look-see:

This Little Light

The When

Now! Maybe it’s just me, but the morale of society seems to be at an all time low. The Peace, Love, Be Happy theme was tried in the ’60s, but I think so much more has come to light [no pun intended] in recent years. These new insights could make a new, similar movement attractive to so many, and on a much bigger scale, given today’s sense of gloom and doom.

Oh Yeah, I do believe we are approaching the fabled ‘Age of Aquarius’ as well, if I’m not mistaken. What better time than now? That reminds me of a line from a Red Hot Chili Peppers song: “there’s never been a better time, than right now”. Hear GIVE IT AWAY here!

The Where


From Mexico to New Zealand… Alaska, and back to Zimbabwe. Name a place, any place and spread the good news. No more hate. No more Racism or Discrimination. No more working against each other. Love your fellow man. Lift your brethren up. Include the whole village in the task of raising a new generation of well-adjusted, forward thinkers who won’t stand for this madness any more!

The Why

Really? Is an explanation necessary?

Life is not supposed to be THIS hard.

All of the violence, the hate and overall discontent has more than ran its full course, don’t you agree?

Okay, thanks for letting me get some things off of my chest. I have a dream! A dream that can begin, now that we’ve settled all of our Karmic debts; we’ve suffered enough for our forefathers misdeeds. It’s time to cross that line and get back to OUR PARADISE.

Serenity Mask

I’m just a girl in a universe trying to do the best I can with what I’ve been given. I love to learn new things continuously.