7 Business Strategies Every Leader Should Know

Chopra Divyaa
4 min readJan 4, 2023


Business strategies and strategic management seem easy, and people often use these words casually. Also, it leaves a good impression in the audience’s mind when you discuss strategy. However, business strategy is the most exploited word in strategic management. And it is a sad truth that the more people talk about the strategy, the less likely to know about the subject.

Those who use it don’t know the actual meaning of strategy and don’t even understand its importance. But worry not; in this guide, we will elaborate on the actual meaning of business strategy defined by the strategic leader. We ensure that this guide will help you to navigate a recession. Knowing this inside out and there is used by 80% of business strategists for their business success.

This blog contains seven powerful business strategies that every business leader should know about.

7 Powerful Business Strategy Leaders Should Know

Below we compiled effective business strategies that you should know if you’re taking your business to new heights of success.

✍️ Be Clear with Your Choice

It is one of the simple and crucial business strategies. The only important thing understands who your customers are and how you serve them. You must have unique propositions for particular customer segments and strive to produce unique activities in the value chain to serve them best. It is all about making the right choice.

Your organization can’t create and offer everything to all the target groups. Hence, it is essential to select your target customers who have similar needs that you produce. It helps you to develop business activities that can satisfy their needs.

✍️ Always Strive to Be Unique, Not Best

One common myth that every business has is that you need to be the best rather than unique. Business leaders compare competition with sports, where there is only one winner. But the fact is that competition makes business more complex. Thus, it would help if you remembered that there could be many winners, unlike any industry. However, several sectors are involved in one company, so you can compete with them and offer different value propositions. The worst business plan is to seek out the most significant player in the industry and try to copy them.

✍️ Keep Moving with Any Situation

Having an excellent business strategy means that you reach the right destination. In business, one thing is constant, i.e., customer needs, technology evolves, and competition increases. Therefore, one crucial factor in determining the future path for your business is to predict these evolutions and trends and incorporate this into the business building process. Otherwise, many new developments or values will trouble your business.

✍️ Scenario Thought Process is Crucial Business Strategy

Scenario thinking is a way to deal with assumptions in a structured manner. This can be done by using data and figures within your company. You can adjust some parameters while leaving others the same. This technique will give you a glimpse of your company’s potential future paths (or strategic options).

Anyone responsible for strategy implementation and definition should have a basic understanding of scenario thinking. A leader must be familiar with the basics of scenario thinking. Therefore, a strategy consultant must only be present for some processes.

✍️ Learn to Say No Sometime

Once you have clearly defined what you want to accomplish (a clear value proposition to a customer segment (whom) and a set of unique, distinctive activities in your supply chain to satisfy this customer segment’s needs), you will discover there are many things that you won’t be doing. You will only serve some customers. The business strategy professional decides what business activities you won’t do or which services/products you will offer. Knowing what you will not do when deciding on your strategy is essential.

✍️ Compete for Profit

Business is not about capturing significant market share or getting success quickly; it is only about how much profit you make. Unfortunately, this thing can’t happen by them. However, business growth is not planning; it is an outcome. When someone includes growth in strategy, an orange light should start to blink. But it does not mean you can’t use the word growth.

For example, you can use it in the context of analysis while discussing business growth areas or when you seek growth platforms.

✍️ Know About Business Industry

A company isn’t an island; an industry is part of an ecosystem. Each sector has its characteristics and its structure. Profitability is determined by your industry and how it ranks within this sector. Some drives offer higher returns than others.

Your strategy vision will be affected by your industry vision and industry competition. How will you compete in this industry? You will be able to identify the key elements you can use to differentiate yourself in this industry and help you compete. You will enjoy a higher average return than your industry’s average.


Every business leader should at least master the fundamentals of business. So, they don’t require consulting professionals at each stage which enables them to overcome business challenges.

Source — 7 Business Strategies Every Leader Should Know (thenewstimeusa.com)



Chopra Divyaa

Divyaa is a professional writer, the blogger who writes for a variety of online publication on a variety of topics. #Businessstragy #Strategies