What is IoT and Why its the Future?

Raghav Chopra
2 min readJan 20, 2019


I have recently shifted my domain of work from Analytics to IoT. I am presently working as an IoT Software Developer in Zenatix Solutions — which offeres IoT based Energy Monitoring and Control products. The reason I shifted my domain to IoT is because — 1. I feel the kind of work we do as an IoT developer is very interesting as we are solving real world problem using the latest technology. 2. I firmly believe IoT will revolutionise the way many industries operate today, it is a growing industry which is expected to grow at the rate of 28% annually.

Now Let’s discuss in short and simple terms what exactly IoT is and why its the future?

Our current internet is IoP — Internet of People. This present internet is controlled by people. A new kind of internet is evolving presently which is called IoT — Internet of Things. “Things” can be anything like tube light, fan, AC, refrigerator, coffee machine, alarm clock etc. These “Things” are now getting capability to get connected to Internet. And just like people interact using Internet over IoP, these “Things” can also interact with each other over Internet. Here are some of the use cases of IoT:

  1. Lets say you set an alarm to wake up at 7am. Your geezer will automatically get to know about your wake up time and it will automatically gets switched on 15 min. before you wake up. Your coffee machine will automatically gets switched on around 7:15am so that you get coffee ready.
  2. Lets say you are on your way to home after your tiring day at office. Your home appliances will automatically get to know about your location. Your room’s AC will get switched on as per your reaching time and you will get cold room on reaching home.

Their are unlimited use cases of IoT which I believe has the potential to revolutionise the way we live our lives. IoT has the potential to disrupt multiple industries.

As per NASSCOM’s report, IoT market in India will reach USD 15 billion by 2020 which is 5% of the global IoT market.

Almost 31 billion devices will be connected to internet by 2020.

Looking at all these trends, it is certain that IoT is not just a fad, but it is actually going to change the way we live our lives.

I am excited ahead to see the future of IoT. And I am excited for my current journey as an IoT software Developer! I will soon write about my work as an IoT developer as well.

Raghav Chopra

IoT software Developer



Raghav Chopra

3 words describe me - Ambitious, adventurous and Helpful. I am always on journey to learn and grow. I wander around to discover new things which excites me!