Script for Inner Vortex


Chia-Hsuan Chou
3 min readApr 12, 2016

It’s a story about Dissociative Personality Disorder. The first personality, “Alex” will commit an act of domestic violence against his wife. However, the second personality “Andrew” is always hard on himself. “Andrew” wants to commit suicide; therefore, he hires a killer to kill himself. The key point to this story is does the player realize Alex and Andrew are actually the same person, and that person is also the player himself.

How to complete a mission

If the players can use to identify the killer and ask him/her to stop the mission, then the player wins the game.

Game structure, player enter the reality scene and than the instructor will ask them to go each memories scenes

Level of the story and detail

Beginning Scenes: Time Square

In the opening scene, the instructor will tell users: “ You don’t know why you are here, but you know you are gonna die. Look down to stare at the vortex sign to go back to your memory, and figure out your life story and who wants to kill you and stop it.”

First Memory: Kitchen

Key object 1: the stickers on the refrigerator ask Alex to take his medicine.
Hint to player: imply someone in this game has medical problem.

Key object 2: answering machine, it’s says the wife wants to leave home for a while and doesn’t want to talk with him.
Hint to player: gave the player a misleading that the wife might be one of the suspects.

Second memory_ surreal corridor

The Dissociative Disorders Personality will see different personalities in their mind. Ex: INSiDE short film

Key object: two people standing opposite each other look the same but giving different opinions about Michelle.

Person 1: Michelle is a bitch
Person 2: No, she does not deserve it.

Hint to player: The person has Dissociative Disorder, and that person is the player themselves.

Third memory_library

Key object: the screen shows a mail that says, I got your money already and the mission will be executed.
Hint to player: Assassin is the mission, so it’s the player want to assassinate themselves.

Key object: the books about Dissociative Disorders Personality
Hint to player: the players might have Dissociative Disorders Personality

Player flow diagram: the objects shows in different scene

Back to reality_ Time Square

Key object: a phone screen floating in the environment, and the player can choose who to call, wife/doctor or unknown person by voice Siri.

Because of the technological limitation, the player just needs to say it directly who they want to call, and the person who setting the game (me) will play the different roles in the game.

No matter who the player call, I will ask: Who Are You?

Because from this question, I can know whether or not the player understands the story or not. If the question cannot answer the question, they can go back to the memory scene to find the clues again.

The user will see a surreal phone screen for them to call out


The player calls the wife
Game referee (as wife): Who are you?
Player: I am Alex / Andrew
Wife: I don’t want to talk with you now (Hang up the phone)

The player calls the doctor
Game referee (as the doctor’s assistant): Who are you?
Player: I am Alex / Andrew
Doctor assistant: doctor is not here now, I am his assistant, your appointment is next week.

The player calls the unknown (killer)
Game referee (as wife): Who are you?
Player: I am Alex
Killer: I don’t know you (Hang up the phone)

Player: I am Andrew
Killer: what do you want?
Player: I want to stop the mission
Killer: Ok, the assassination is stopped

-Game Complete-



Chia-Hsuan Chou

Design & Technology Explorer | UX Designer based in New York