What is NeuroChain Ecosystem ?

billal chouli
5 min readJan 9, 2018


A legitimate reaction when facing a new innovative project is to be sceptic. Then, when having all the information and parameters, scepticism turns to adhesion for solid and promising projects.

This letter is devoted to dissipate all ambiguities concerning NeuroChain and highlight the main innovative key points and technologies.

The Project:

NeuroChain is not a Blockchain project, but an ecosystem where distributed network empowered by Machine Learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. The core of NeuroChain is constituted by performant consensus algorithms represented by Proof of Involvement and Integrity for the block validation, and Proof of Workflow for intelligence and experience sharing.

Beyond to get an intelligent distributed system, NeuroChain aims to establish a collective artificial intelligence ecosystem. This ambitious goal is possible due to:

• The structuration of the project and its middle term projections.

• The architecture of NeuroChain and more precisely the Bots which are evolutive, flexible scalable and social.

• The team behind NeuroChain with necessary complementarity and expertise in different fields: Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, Architecture, Cryptography, Metaprogramming and Optimisation.

NeuroChain is a complete ecosystem for distributed artificial intelligence, with clear and solid theoretical and technical bases.

CLAUSIUS: basic unit of Value (cryptocurrency) measurement.

The following diagram shows the NeuroChain’s architecture. The diagram represents the process of analysis and decision-making of a Bot, from the input information to the value creation.

The following word cloud gives an overview of the different technologies implemented in NeuroChain.

The main innovations in NeuroChain comparing to the standard Blockchains are exposed in the following section.

The consensus: the NeuroChain consensus, Proof of Involvement and Integrity (PII), is based on entropy, enthalpy and score of integrity using diffusion models. This consensus is inspired from particle physics and thermodynamics. Its main features are scalability, flexibility, self-adaptability and consistency. The leader election process relies on the activity, the legacy and the integrity of the Bots. In addition, the network is considered as a Bayesian network where each node is replaced by a Bot, and the thermodynamic theory (the unique universal theory in physics) is particularly appropriate to probe the network. Compared to this new approach, the consensus (Proof of Work) used by Bitcoin and Ethereum cannot face the challenges of security, scalability and complexity.

Furthermore, for the distributed intelligence in the network, proof of workflow is developed to ensure the security and the availability of the algorithms.

The consensus based on weighted entropy and Integrity is represented in the following figure.

The architecture: the Bots are designed to face complex problematics with two levels of abstraction and operation rules (consensus). The architecture is optimised to reduce the single point of failure (SPoF), to make exchanges more fluid and to achieve reliable consensus (failure tolerance). The Bot is not a standard node but an augmented structure.

Machine Learning and artificial intelligence: the Bots work with Machine Learning algorithms and neuronal network structures. This enrichment of the node will allow analysis and self-adaptation of a system depending on its operation. This major innovation is critical to tackle complex and elaborated applications such as smart traceability. This contribution to Blockchain will broaden its scope and its applications.

Communication protocols: another major contribution of NeuroChain is its adaptive communication protocol. NeuroChain aims at being supported by all supports and to operate in all circumstances (flexibility and portability). For this purpose, NeuroChain proposes different communication protocols with different characteristics. This adaptive communication between the Bots will largely improve the security and the adoption of the technology.

The Bot applications: due to the major innovations detailed above, NeuroChain opens a whole new world of applications, transparency, traceability, interactivity (social Bots), business smart applications (banking, accounting, human resources, industry…), smart IoT and compliance.

In a few words, the intrinsic singularity of NeuroChain is its secure, reliable and performant consensus operation. It also allows a large variety of complex distributed applications. It brings superior value compared to the other Blockchains, as illustrated in the following Table.

This short presentation of NeuroChain and its critical innovative technologies illustrates its immense potential as a new generation of Blockchains, an augmented Blockchain.

The Team

Beyond a solid technical project, NeuroChain presents a strong and complementary team whose members are issued from leading universities in Europe and USA. The team’s expertise covers all competences needed in the project such as cryptography, distributed systems, distributed algorithms and consensus, Machine Learning and neuronal networks. The team presents also peripheral competencies like marketing and communication.

The Founders

The NeuroChain Blockchain is initiated by Consilium, a French company co-founded by Billal CHOULI and Frederic GOUJON.

Billal holds a Doctorate in nuclear and particle physics from Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA, France) in collaboration with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Culham Center for Fusion Energy (CCFE). He then works in quantitative disciplines (Quantitative Finance, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence).

Frederic is an expert in architecture systems with 20 years of experience in Business Intelligence and Big Data. He created BGFi company, specialized in BI and Big Data in 2002.

These two passionate of Blockchain and AI, wrote a book about this technology and they had decided to create NeuroChain by fusing Blockchain infrastructure with Machine Learning algorithms.

The Core Team

An idea is seldom enough to reach the achievement of a real service or product. It needs time, energy and talent. The core team will regroup experts of complementary disciplines among which stand :

• Distributed systems and algorithms

• Machine and Deep learning

• IT security

• IT architects

• IT developers

Most of the members are experienced practitioners and researchers holding top tier university Ph.D. in particle physics, computer science and algorithmic.

Currently, the core team is based in Paris, France. It is continuously supported by members in Germany, Russia and the USA.

The Finance

The NeuroChain project is based on strong business plan, realized and audited with experts in finance and blockchain, to capture the correlations and ensure the coherence between the different steps of the project and the financial part. The projections are realized on 5 years with high granularity during the first 18 months.

