IxD Lab Assignment 1

Exploring After Effects speed graph

Jeffrey Chou
3 min readJan 28, 2017

This week, we talk about motion animation and object-oriented concept in After Effects. With a motion library that have been built already, we need expand our own motion while

Types of Keyframe

Basically, there are five kinds of keyframe in After Effects and they all show different symbols in the graph.

A. Linear B.Hold C. Auto Bezier D. Continuous Bezier or Easy-ease
  • Hold keyframe: It holds the value and change immdeiately.
  • Linear keyframe: It change the value linearly.
  • Easy-ease keyframe: It applies easy-ease to speed curve. It mainly use for speed and timing rather than position.
  • Auto Bezier: It creates a smooth rate of change through a keyframe. It mainly uses for spatial change. For example, you could use it to cover the path or car into curving road. It will also effect the previous and next keyframe.
  • Continuous Bezier: While auto bezier is used to automatically adjust the change as smooth as possible, you could still adjust manually and it will turn into continuous Bezier.

Menu bar in the buttom of graph

I also look through the options in the bottom of graph.

a. Show: Refer to the second figure. You could either choose to Show Animated/Selected Properties.

b. Graph information: Refer to the third figure. Most of time, you could use Edit Value Graph or Edit Speed Graph.

c. Snap: While adjust the point in the curve, by enable this function, After Effects will help you snap to nearby point.

d. View: From left to right are Auto-zoom graph height, Fit selection to view and Fit all graphs to view.

e. Keyframe options: From left to right are, Edit selected keyframes (submenu includes all options), Hold, Linear, and Auto Bezier.

f. Easy-ease: From left to right are, Easy-Ease, Easy-Ease In and Easy-In Out.

Align with motion library

After further investigating the configuration of speed grah, I decide to make some motions align with zoom. The largest white circle is using the built-in curve, while others are slight modified and shifted. Just notice that next one can’t reach the maximum until previous one do.

