GSoC @OpenMRS 9th week

Choxmi Sathsara
2 min readJul 31, 2017


Last week was the second evaluation period of Google Summer of Code. I completed and passed the second evaluation successfully.

Last week I was working on some extensions of my project. I added un-mapped report handling to the mapping section. This functionality may help to fix some JIRA tickets in the future. With this feature, now user cannot execute un-mapped reports and it will give an error message and will not show the post button as well. In addition to that, it will indicate the relevant report in the mapping section as well. Please refer the screenshots.

Un-mapped report definitions indicated in red
Specify the report
Error while posting

In addition to that, I added another functionality which is really helpful when keeping records. Now the module can create a history log in Report module report history which. It will show the report results in the Report module as well. And it will display a link to the report log in DHISReport module report as well.

Link to report module history log
Report results
Report history

At last, I created a small demonstration for my mid term presentation.

That’s all for this week. Thanks :)

