Sentences with new useful words

Christine Koroleva
1 min readFeb 6, 2023


  1. Tommy is going to the gym to reinforce his commitment to a healthy lifestyle.
  2. The impact of fast-paced university life with tons of stress on my health condition has been immense.
  3. We tend to romanticize the past, forgetting the hardships we went through.
  4. Ferelden hailed him as a hero for saving the country from the Blight.
  5. The war left a legacy of pain and suffering.
  6. The terrain was rugged and difficult to traverse.
  7. The harsh winter wind was howling in the streets.
  8. Their works exemplify the mood of the century they lived in.
  9. I felt so nostalgic, it was as if I was living the moment literally.
  10. His prowess in the knight tournament was unmatched by any other participant.
  11. There was a fistfight over the starting positions before we moved to an obstacle course stage.
  12. We have become so used to violence in the media that we can say we have become desensitized to it.
  13. The construction team worked tirelessly to erect a new building.
  14. The clumsy gait of the elderly man made it difficult for him to catch up with the rest of the tourist group.

