Finding Intention in Dreams

Chriistine Kearney
3 min readJul 22, 2020


Roadmapping the endless intentions of a twenty-something-year-old.

Image via Instagram

Countless Options

In the past two months alone I have envisaged my life as a hotshot blogger, a famous swimwear designer, a best selling author, a renowned academic, a successful life coach, and a budding entrepreneur. I even recorded myself singing a few lines of a song just in case my vocal cords had somehow developed and I hadn’t realized! Each potential future life seemingly as glamorous as the next until I begin to access the work to be done and risks to be taken to get from the “9 to 5”, to that.

It’s obvious to me and to anyone that knows me that I am a dreamer, always have been, and always will be. But I’ve started to take some of my dreams more seriously, because why not?! It seems to have worked for other people and I’ve seen a lot of content recently implying that “ the WHOLE universe is working for you” which sounds pretty reassuring to me (ha!).

“Dreams can inspire you. Goals can change your life.”

Move to Action

Firstly I asked myself why I had new aspirations each week, and by answering this question I realised what I want and what I don’t want (often I find the things I don’t want drive me and motivate me more than the things I do want). By questioning myself I found clarity around my intentions which has allowed me to create a road map for the next few months.

It’s all well and good having these intentions but unless we take action we cannot progress, so over the past few weeks I have invested more time and energy into my goals. I started this blog because I aspire to be an author one day, I signed up for a website development course and entrepreneurial boot camp to get an insight into a world I want to be part of and only a few months ago I bought a sewing machine and I finally start sewing lessons next week. These actions are just to name a few among many other smaller steps.

The final piece of the puzzle is to create accountability so that I won’t let life take over and knock me off track — that’s where you come in. Hopefully, I can build an “accountability community” along the way so we can work towards our goals together!

Whether you intend to become a morning person by setting a goal to get up an hour earlier every day or to become more present by setting a screen time limit on your phone, implementing these steps should make it possible; ask yourself why, figure out what you want/don’t want, recognize your intentions, set goals based on these and create accountability.

Let the Journey Begin

Admittedly I may have gone a bit overboard signing up for so many things at once — but once I decided to start one new thing I couldn’t justify not starting the second thing and then the third .. hence a vicious cycle has begun. I am aware it is hard to excel in all aspects of one’s life at once but I hope there is a lot to be learned just by trying!

Above all else, I am excited to learn, willing to take risks, and prepared to accept failure. Anyway, without a combination of these three things throughout my life I doubt my book will be too interesting nor will I make a very experienced life coach!

Someone once told me to treat my job as my biggest asset class — and now more than ever it is important not to have all your eggs in one basket, especially when thriving for big returns!

Thanks for reading, I would love to hear how you are moving towards making a dream a reality!

Christine x

Check out some of my other posts below & follow my journey here;



Chriistine Kearney

Irish living in the Cayman Islands. Exploring creativity through writing in the hope of publishing a book one day!