You Glow Girl!

Chriistine Kearney
3 min readAug 2, 2020


Amateur yoga pose, xtinery_ox

There a lot of content online of late surrounding healthy body images. I was shocked to see some girls I regularly follow (who to me have “perfect” bodies) speak of years of photo editing with Facetune and body struggles.

I used to think people that fit into society's definition of “beautiful” often have an advantage over those who don't. As someone who fell into the marketing trap that is fad beauty products, diets, gym regimes, and ever-changing fashion trends, I began to realize the advantage is not down to being “beautiful” it is down to being confident.

That happy glow we admire in others doesn't come from creams, diets, or facemasks,(or any external factor for that matter), it comes from within. The happy glow is radiant and infectious. It's undeniably visible in the eyes and smile of the beholder.

How can we positively glow on the outside if we are constantly criticizing and comparing ourselves to others on the inside?

It's a long and harrowing journey to finding self-confidence in a world that places so much value on one's physical appearance. Its a toss-up between constantly judging yourself or be judged by society for being “full of yourself” or “cocky”.

Even as I write this I am asking myself how do I feel about myself right now because although I am learning to love myself, the answer to this question changes all the time. I am hard on myself and expect a lot which I think is important to achieve my goals but at the same time, I am more aware of the negative impact inside thoughts can have.

I have come a long way in the past few years and maybe it's a natural progression to become more sure of yourself in your mid-late twenties. One thing I have noticed is the more I respect my body and stop bitching about myself (to myself) my life is becoming more wholesome.

By making lifestyle changes and choices driven from a place of ever-deepening love for myself (rather than a place of discontentment) I am attracting more positive outcomes and seeing things in a different light.

So next time you criticize yourself, stop for a second, and ask yourself whether the criticism is really warranted? Instead of talking about others with your friends, be real, talk about yourself and your own insecurities. Instead of using your energy to put others down, use it to build yourself up. Instead of buying something because it's in fashion, explore your own style. Instead of exercising because you feel fat, exercise because your body deserves to move.

We have a short time on this earth so why spend it trying to be anything other than a better version of YOURSELF!

Remember: Grow with your body and glow with your mind, yourself is the best self!

Thanks for reading.

Christine x



Chriistine Kearney

Irish living in the Cayman Islands. Exploring creativity through writing in the hope of publishing a book one day!