Will iPadOS 16 Finally Make the iPad a Viable Work Machine?
Disclaimer: iPadOS 16 is currently in beta. Features may change and improvement may be made to the overall quality of the experience.
Apple recently held their annual Worldwide Developer’s Conference in Cupertino California where they revealed upcoming operating system updates for their flagship products.
What held the most interest for me was the updates for iPadOS. I previously wrote about my attempt at using my iPad as a daily work machine last year.
While the experiment was largely successful, there were still a few issues that held it back from being capable of filling all the needs I had daily. I decided to switch out my iPad Pro for a Surface Pro 8 and an iPad Mini, a combo that has served me well, but I still find myself yearning for a true all-in-one device that can master both tablet and laptop.
That’s why I have been keeping tabs on the iPad market and why I paid close attention to the latest software updates for iPadOS.