CS371p Spring 2022: Christopher Carrasco

Christopher Carrasco
2 min readJan 22, 2022


  1. Where did you grow up? Midland, TX.
  2. What high school did you attend? Lee High School, now Legacy High School.
  3. What was your favorite extracurricular activity in high school? Choir.
  4. Why did you come to UT? It wasn’t Texas Tech.
  5. Why are you majoring in CS? I knew Engineering wasn’t for me, but Software Engineering seemed like something my parents would agree to because it has engineering in it haha. And with some inspiration from others, I chose Computer Science.
  6. Why are you in this class? Taking both Software Engineering and OOP from the same professor seemed like a good thing to do this semester.
  7. What are your expectations of this class? After finding out that we are actually using C++ instead of Java, I’m excited to see how much C++ I can learn this semester.
  8. How much C/C++ do you already know? After taking CS429 and CS439 and Compilers, I feel like I know a good amount of C. C++ on the other hand… nope.
  9. How did you like the first lectures? They seemed to be structured well. Glad I wasn’t cold called like I was in Software Engineering haha.
  10. How did you feel about the cold calling? They seem very friendly, and turning on the camera makes it better to be honest. Soon we will be in class again which might make it more interesting.
  11. What made you happy this week? I got to meet with friends in person.
  12. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week? GitLab Pages are a lot more work to make a website with than Medium. You have to download Runners, register them, and run a Pipeline. Despite following the docs, I couldn’t figure out why the link to my website wasn’t visible to me :(

