CS373 Spring 2022: Christopher Carrasco — Week 4

Christopher Carrasco
2 min readFeb 12, 2022


What did you do this past week?

Finished up the project for this class. But most of my time was spent on the first project for CS 361s, Computer Security, writing UTF-8 printable shellcode. ITS HARD. So yeah.

What’s in your way?

Previously said shellcoding project is in my way. I had the opportunity to see Zack Fox this weekend in concert this Saturday in Dallas, but I can’t cause my project isn’t finished and I don’t wanna bail on my partner :(or myself:)

What will you do next week?

Rest mentally from having a bunch of projects due. Resent missing the Zack Fox concert with friends. Oh, and hopefully go shopping for food and stuff.

What did you think of Paper #4: Pair Programming?

I’ve read the paper 4 times now, but I still think it’s worth reading. I think some of the titles for the passages don’t match with the lessons but everything being said is good. I was particularly surprised to be able to see Extreme Programming this time and it actually mean something to me as the past times I’ve read the paper I would just not care about XP being mentioned.

What was your experience of exceptions and types? (this question will vary, week to week)

All the cases for exceptions, try, catch, else, and finally, can make exception handling rather complex. But that’s great because it allows for useful interactions between exceptions and the program. I thought the integer caching was interesting and how it can lead to “i is j” being false outside of the [-5, 256] range. Floats being objects is a little weird, but hey I suppose that’s just Python

What made you happy this week?

I have been watching Infinity Train this week, already on season 4, and the show is so good. Aside from that, nothing in particular happened this week. Although a highlight of a day this week was talking with a fellow classmate at the GDC. In-person interactions are nice.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

This is all I got, but still useful for those looking for some shortcuts.

