6 open source repos to develop easily installable JSX components

Chris Czopp
2 min readSep 13, 2020


If you either are wondering what to do next or if you like coding in your free time — Forget about writing a thousandth calculator, todo list or building a whole full-stack app just to show off your frontend skills. Your efforts can be much better appreciated, and I am sure, having something real and useful might make only good to your portfolio.

Background — Me and my teammates work on an incredibly unique IDE where you can install widgets (React-compatible components) with a single-click, no matter if it is a dummy content presenter or reservation wizard with loads of business logic. What matters to the end users is that after the installation, the user should be able to experience fully functional UI populated with test data.

Why? — putting things together by hand including setting up your local dev environment, organising your app state, splitting UI into components, organising CSS etc. takes too much time. We just made it simpler without compromising quality and maintainability.

What is a deal? — If you think we are alike, keep reading. We have prepared 6 open source repos of components. They are self-contained development environments where all you must think of is your idea and its implementation. There are already some components in them, but that is not enough. There is loads to code leaving you plenty of room for creativity. You can join our effort, contribute to open source, and make your side-projects installable by others across the world. And we are not talking compromises, sacrificing quality, page-load-time, SEO, or tech-stack. We want to deliver great user experience, both at the very end as well as for developers.

What is on the other side? — your component will be installable with a single-click in GlueCodes Platform. In short, it is an IDE + framework + widgets. It dramatically simplifies and speeds up coding by automation, simple to more complex code generation, notifying what actions need to be implemented for given HTML, single-click widget installation and many more. You can find more here: https://www.glue.codes. After first release we received amazing feedback and we are boosted to deliver more. On our roadmap we have features like user accounts, GitHub integration, desktop version or a way to develop and sell commercial widgets. You will be able to vote for new features here: https://www.patreon.com/GlueCodes

Here are the 6 open source repos you can have fun with:

https://github.com/gluecodes/gluecodes-animals (e-commerce)

https://github.com/gluecodes/gluecodes-cities (navigation elements)

https://github.com/gluecodes/gluecodes-dashboards (data tables, charts etc.)

https://github.com/gluecodes/gluecodes-forms (forms and wizards to be used by end-users e.g. reservation or contact form)

https://github.com/gluecodes/gluecodes-fruits (reusable content blocks )

https://github.com/gluecodes/gluecodes-vegetables (single purpose blocks and elements e.g. map, blog-related sections)

Hopefully, see you in PRs

