Getting started with Codewars and why it matters to you.

Chris D’Ascoli
3 min readJun 1, 2017


As a beginner programmer I’ve spent a lot of time researching all the different resources available… and frankly there are a lot! Things geared towards beginners and amateurs all the way up to senior programmers simply looking to refine their skills. Help is everywhere!

While there are many resources out there the purpose of this post is to introduce you to one specifically, Codewars, and give a brief synopsis of the sign up process.

Straight from the site “Codewars is a collective effort by its users. They are creators — authoring kata to teach various techniques, solving kata with solutions that enlighten others, and commenting with constructive feedback. The leaders among them moderate the content and community”.

If you’re like me you might be asking yourself, “what the heck is kata?”. Codewars references the term early and often throughout the site. It is simply an exercise that helps a programmer better their skills through practice. So, in layman’s terms it’s a code problem that needs a solution. Interestingly enough kata is derived from the Japanese concept by the same name in martial arts literally translated as “form” defined as detailed choreographed patterns of movements practiced either solo or in pairs (hello, pair programming!)….. however I digress.

Back to Codewars! Why is this site useful? Simple. It’s helps you hone your skills on real challenges ranging from the basic fundamentals to complex problem solving. The site ranks each challenge based on it’s subject area and difficulty so it’s great for a beginner just getting their feet wet but also as you grow it’s a great way to test yourself against code challenges you may face in technical interviews down the road. All in all it’s a great resource no matter what level you’re at!

Beyond being a great resource the signup process is simple and straightforward. You start by selecting Sign Up on their homepage..

click Sign Up in the upper right hand corner.

In true mortal kombat fashion you’re then notified you must prove yourself to enlist and choose a language (you can select more later on don’t worry)..

Choose your language of choice.

Once you’ve selected a language you’re given a short code challenge to test your chops..

Complete the mini code challenge to be accepted.

Assuming you nail it (and you will because you’re a star!) you then need to link your github and fill out a short profile form..

Complete the questionnaire.

After the short questionnaire you’re then brought to your profile page where you choose your experience level and language(s). Congratulations you’re ready to get coding!

Choose your experience level and any additional languages.

