The Truth Behind the 800 Calorie Trend

Chris Johnson
4 min readJan 26, 2024


The 800 Calorie Diet is often touted as a quick fix for weight loss, but it comes with serious risks and consequences. In this article, we will explore the dark side of the 800 Calorie Diet, debunk myths surrounding it, and provide healthier alternatives for sustainable weight loss.

Key Takeaways

  • The 800 Calorie Diet can lead to constant hunger and deprivation, making it unsustainable in the long run.
  • Following an 800 Calorie Diet can result in feelings of sluggishness, fatigue, and low energy levels due to inadequate fuel for the body.
  • Nutrient deficiencies are common on an 800 Calorie Diet, leading to potential health complications and imbalances.
  • Rapid weight loss on the 800 Calorie Diet often comes at the expense of muscle loss and damage to metabolism.
  • The 800 Calorie Diet is not easy or sustainable in the long term, and can take a mental and emotional toll on individuals trying to adhere to it.

The Dark Side of the 800 Calorie Diet

It’s basic knowledge in the diet industry that to achieve a certain level of fat loss in the stomach and not your whole body- you need to restrict your food intake.

Some take it to the extreme. Opting for very low calorie diet intakes or sometimes crash diets that are even lower.

I’m not a fan of these extreme drops in calories unless you’re a verteran of diets and putting your body under that kind of stress.

If you’re not- it’s just not a good idea.

When it comes to diets there are so many experts and so many different plans that claim to have the secret sauce to unlock the best kind of weight loss (they don’t).

I’m not making any such claim because it does come down to simple science- more on that below.

Basic premise of the extreme calorie diet is to drop your daily calories to 800 (or sometimes less) which supposedly gives you a lot of benefits like resetting your metabolism (which doesn’t happen like that) and also turbo charging your weight loss.

“Sounds good” you might say??

There is a problem though

Much like people that win millions in the lottery often either lose all their money or loved ones (or both)

The same can happen with these extreme low calorie diets-.

Your body isn’t accustomed to losing that amount of weight that quickly.

What then tends to happen is 6–12 months time they’ve put the weight back on and sometimes more as you can see below.

That isn’t to say it always fails, there are plenty of success stories with this program.

My problem isn’t with this specific program.

It’s the industry as a whole that makes people focus on the short game of losing a stone in 4 weeks.

Following this trend leads to people (in most cases) to drop right back into old habits once they finish the course or diet. Leading them to need it again a few months down the line.

If you don’t prepare your body first to lose that amount of weight- then it won’t stay off.

Graph comparing the effects of a crazy diet versus a normal diet. Clear distinction between the two approaches.

What it does well

Is to include all aspects of a balanced healthy diet in those calories to ensure that you are getting a well rounded nutritional approach.

It does also state that this diet isn’t for everyone- which is a good sign that they won’t just sign anyone up.

The takeaway here is that in order to get good and long lasting results with your weight loss- you don’t need to drop down to 800 calories at any point.

Start by going to and work out your metabolic rate.

Then apply a small calorie deficit with the information it gives you and you’re pretty much set from there.

Want more help to calculate it? Join my 6 day guide to losing your first kilogram in four weeks at

These emails will help you understand how to:

➡ Lose your first kilogram in four weeks

➡ Understand and leverage your metabolism for better results

➡ Learn when to implement physical activity the right way

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the 800 Calorie Diet safe for weight loss?

No, the 800 Calorie Diet is not safe for weight loss as it can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other health issues.

Can I lose weight quickly on the 800 Calorie Diet?

While rapid weight loss may occur initially, it is not sustainable and can result in muscle loss and damage to your metabolism.

Is the 800 Calorie Diet easy to follow?

The 800 Calorie Diet is not easy to follow as it can leave you feeling constantly hungry and fatigued.

Will the 800 Calorie Diet provide all the necessary nutrients?

No, the 800 Calorie Diet is likely to result in nutrient deficiencies due to its severe calorie restriction.

Can I exercise while on the 800 Calorie Diet?

It is not recommended to engage in intense exercise while on the 800 Calorie Diet due to the low calorie intake.

Should I consult a healthcare professional before starting the 800 Calorie Diet?

Yes, it is important to consult a Registered Dietitian or healthcare professional before starting the 800 Calorie Diet to ensure it is safe for you.



Chris Johnson

Health & Fitness Professional. Grab my free guide to beginners weight loss at I talk about experiences & my experience as fitness coach