Why We Are Rebranding ThunderCore?

Chris Wang
4 min readJun 6, 2022


Why we are rebranding ThunderCore?

It gives me great joy finally to be able to talk about our rebranding, which has been a long time in the making. With ThunderCore’s new logo and fresh visual identity, we are celebrating some of the milestones we have achieved over the past three years, especially when it comes to helping developers make the transition from Web2 to Web3, as well as in mobile entertainment areas like GameFi, SocialFi, and the Metaverse.

We are considered a high-performance, safe public blockchain, and our gas fees are less than $0.00001. And we’ve even crossed the threshold of over 400,000 monthly active users (MAU) with service in over 190 countries.

What Inspires Me About Blockchain Tech

I’d like to take a moment to explain why I’ve been putting so much energy into blockchain technologies since I founded ThunderCore in 2017. One of the key drivers of my interest is the idea that total strangers can cooperate on important ventures — economic or otherwise — without any kind of mutual trust. This is achieved, of course, through the use of pioneering smart contracts, which have given the world a way to enforce provisions without the use of an intermediary. Through this technology, strangers can collaborate to achieve any common goal.

Take the decentralized lending system Aave as an example, which never could have existed until fairly recently. Many people who own crypto would like to earn interest on their holdings, but it’s not like you can just deposit crypto into a bank or invest it into a mutual fund. Aave allows these users to pool their funds together and form a credit market outside of the traditional financial system. This way, they can lend their crypto to people they’ve never met and turn a profit. It goes without saying none of this would have been remotely possible with the revolutionary innovations of the blockchain and smart contracts.

What We’ve Been Doing Lately at ThunderCore

Over the last few years, we’ve built an extraordinary ecosystem of which everyone on our team, as well as our partners, can be proud. ThunderCore now hosts just about every species of blockchain use-case, including but not limited to DEXs, bridges, GameFi applications, and NFT platforms — and it’s all easily accessed through our DApp portal TT Wallet.

We are particularly excited about the diverse array of terrific projects we’ve invested in that are empowering the Web3 world, such as the metaverse Sandbox, the NFT platform OurSong, the GameFi marketplace Lootex, and the cross-chain aggregator XY Finance.

Rebranding to Match Our Vision of Web3

These days, it’s hard to go anywhere without hearing talk of crypto, especially Bitcoin and NFTs. Nevertheless, if you ask many people if they’ve ever rolled up their sleeves and gotten involved, many will still say no. Why does adoption lag awareness? We think it has something to do with the difficulty of onboarding both users and developers.

To this end, our TT Wallet, which has a new NFT display with the latest update, has been serving as the gateway to our DApps since 2019. This portal to our ecosystem has traditionally been our main product. The wallet is a one-stop shop for all users seeking to experience convenience in the Web3 world.

Now we’re also building an API tool for Web2 developers who are still a little shaky in their knowledge of Web3. These would include folks who are still struggling with how to program smart contracts, or maybe even those a little confused about gas fees or how to issue tokens or NFTs. We are calling it our ThunderGene API tool, and it is a great asset for those looking to make the transition from Web2 as well as current Web3 developers. It will launch later this year in Q2. The new API tool will be an especially great asset to mobile developers.

We really believe the best way to onboard people to Web3 is through seamless integration with existing Web2 mobile applications. It’s important that people are able to gradually step into the new decentralized internet through mediums with which they’re already comfortable. SocialFi, GameFi, and other popular use-cases will be a huge part of this next phase. I am of the belief that mobile games in particular will be a large aspect of the way we get the next billion users into Web3.

Let’s say a traditional gamer migrates into GameFi, where they will start to earn in-game currencies and rare equipment in the virtual world. The game should automatically generate a wallet for this kind of user so that when they feel ready to trade or sell their winnings, they can easily cash out without any technical knowledge. With our API, we’ve made this extremely simple for developers to create in their DApps. It’s essential that developers are able to make the nuances of complicated Web3 processes as simple as possible for the average user.

Our rebranding is about showcasing our commitment to these kinds of ideas, which will help bring blockchain technology to the general public — and hopefully usher in a Web3 revolution.

