What tools do you need for your marketing analytics?

A few minutes of your time can help me build the right functions for the right people in the right way.

Chris Bow
2 min readAug 21, 2018

I like to think of myself as a data-driven marketer. As a former academic, nothing gives me more pleasure than performing a significance test and getting the magic number of under 0.05. That, of course, is a lie. Lot’s of things are more satisfying than that, but — at work at least — it’s pretty rewarding.

To wrangle data and perform analyses, I use an open-source program called R, running in another program called RStudio to make it a bit easier to work with. I’ve mentioned just how useful this combination is before, largely in part to its huge collection of packages — downloadable add-ons that can increase the functionality, or make certain tasks much more straightforward.

In part to make my own workflows more efficient, as well as to try and make more analytics tools that are free and easy to use available to marketers, I am building a package for R that will perform many of the analyses I use regularly in my marketing analytics work.

In order to make this package as useful as possible, I need to understand more about the people who might be using it. If you could spare a few minutes of your time to complete the survey below, I can make sure that the included functions are appropriate for the tasks that you perform, and that they are implemented in a way that makes them accessible to as many people as possible.

Thanks in advance for your time, and if you could share amongst your marketing colleagues that would be hugely helpful!

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Chris Bow

Former immunologist turned data scientist and marketer. Proponent of applying scientific thinking to non-scientific problems. Consultant for Cairney & Company.