Chris Angell
2 min readJun 9, 2019


As much as we crave answers that make our life and business easier, we want to know you get us BEFORE we trust buying FROM YOU.

And the funny thing about solidarity is that once established, I’d buy things from you that aren’t even what you’re known for.


This morning I was on a training about marketing for a course I’m in.

The trainer mentioned how many different trainings he’d be doing today and that he uses a special cough drop to save his voice on days like today.

As many of you know I own a marketing agency where my team of co-hosts and I do many interviews a day for our clients.

So as the trainer, who I’ve come to admire and respect, mentions the cough drops save his voice, I think to myself I should buy those cough drops.

Now, he doesn’t even sell them. But if he did I would buy them from him because I like him.

I’ve spent close to 20 hours with this guy over the last month or so talking about marketing (a topic I’m interested in). But he mentions cough drops for 2 minutes and I’m ready to buy cough drops from him.

This is an important marketing principle.

Solidarity, not solutions, is what creates the bond for buying.

Your value is as much in the connection you create as it is through the solution you sell.

If you don’t want to chase algorithms in marketing, you have to get masterful at solidarity. It is your competitive advantage and it sets up everything else.

Solidarity is tribal. It’s human. And that’s why it works.

Chris Angell

Founder at Groundswell University (think “business church” for entrepreneurs with Important Work) Learn more at