Top 10 Best Online Platforms to Find an Investor for Your Startup Part 1 Hardware (Updated 2020)

Chris Boucher
10 min readJul 6, 2019
Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Startups often run into the same problem: where to find investors to raise capital. This especially is true for hardware startups that have a harder time getting investors interested in their products.

Some founders think that the only way to get investors on board is if an accelerator or an incubator successfully selected them. But I’m here to show you that you have options to find investors.

As someone being around startups and getting this question almost on a daily basis, I decided to enumerate in here the best places where you could get the opportunity to find your next investment for your business and jump to the next level of your startup.

10. OurCrowd

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Chris Boucher

Former Biologist | Amateur Guitarist | Amateur Brewer | Product Development Consultant | Business Strategist | Bar Owner | Living & Working in China