What should I podcast about?

Chris Huskins
2 min readFeb 20, 2017


The first post of our new blog comes with a very simple topic. If you are looking to start a podcast, what should it be about? We will be posting new regular updates to the blog, including excerpts from our upcoming e-book on launching a podcast. Keep checking back!Watch Full Movie Streaming Online and Download

Get ready to podcast… Part 1: Choose a topic / industry / niche.

This simply has to be something you are passionate about. You can research any topic and make it sound like you know everything about it, but something that is very difficult to fake is a passion for a topic. It takes radio presenters years to get to the level where they can fake interest about ‘Little Mix’s New Years Resolution’ or ‘Ashley Cole’s latest affair’ (…seriously how stupid is that guy?!)

The process for doing this is a simple one, answer the following questions:

a.) What niche are you trying to cater for or fill with this podcast?

Niches make riches (Doesn’t work in an English accent, but it still applies).

b.) Who is your target audience?

Have an image in your head and put it to paper. Think of the type of person you are aiming at to be an avid listener. Think of their demographic, age, interests, behaviours etc. You will tailor everything you do with this person in mind, and really knowing exactly who your avatar is will help you make many decisions in the future.

c.) Why?

It is as simple as the question. Why are you doing this, why are you creating a podcast?

This can help re-focus you when you come to making decisions too, it might help you develop your keywords, marketing and content.

Finally, there is a question I think we all need to answer when looking at podcasting… Audio or video?

This may be a decision you have already made, especially if you got to this stage by searching for podcasts. However, there are still Vodcasts, or it may benefit you to create short videos to market your audio only podcast.

Just remember the pro’s of audio do allow your target audience to consume whilst driving, running, vacuuming, or walking the dog just to name a few.

Still baffled on what to do? Drop us an email, we love talking about it! Email: hello@abruptaudio.com

Originally published at Abrupt Audio.



Chris Huskins

The podcast guy! I run Abrupt Audio, helping people make podcasts! Got any questions around podcasting, drop me a message.