The 6 Keys To Creating A Winning Digital Mindset

Chris Aarons
3 min readApr 8, 2020


How To Thrive The Age Of “Digital Chaos”

Organizations are dabbling in new social media platforms, developing emails that hopefully people open, and trying to create content that people view and (by some miracle) share before swiping up or down on their smartphone. The problem is that often there’s no method to the madness.

Digital is precise, measurable and enables all of us to build results exponentially, when used right. Throwing stuff against the wall and seeing what sticks may yield some results. But, it almost entirely removes the sustainable and measurable outcomes while usually being unconnected to the organization’s business objectives.

Success requires that you constantly strive to “Be The RIGHT Brand, Doing The RIGHT Things, that make you worthy of Evangelism.

Enter the digital marketing strategy

Use digital marketing to become “The Brand” that is the envy of your market.

There are many ways to slice and dice a strategy. Most importantly, it must serve as a blueprint, a framework, or a roadmap. Call it what you want, but it must be structured enough so you can stay on track when those email numbers keep growing, yet flexible enough so you can pivot when that new Snapchat campaign flops.

Digital is about wins and lessons, not wins and losses

1. Push each other and your thinking before rushing to the same old “answer.” If the answer comes too easy, it is probably not the winning one. Digital is very straightforward, but it is rarely simple and simple answers are almost never the right/best ones.

2. Don’t rely on dashboards & metrics alone — trust your wits and intellectual curiosity. With data and insights coming at us faster and in great qualities, asking questions and challenging what is right in front of us can be a superpower. Remember, what you see, is not all there is in digital or in life.

3. Always look for new insights, moments and never stop learning. The world is changing fast and change is accelerating. That means you need to strive to be one-step ahead always. You can only do that by becoming a a lifelong learner.

4. There is no substitute for talking directly to customers and prospects. Digital is great and all brands can do amazing things with it that were unheard of just years ago. However, talking to your customers and using the magic phrase, “Help me understand…” will show you more about how to succeed that any survey or digital tool every will. Armed with this, digital becomes your tool kit to go great things and engage your audience like your competitors wish they could.

5. Fear nothing, fail fast, test everything and constantly ask “what if?” Digital is about constant experimentation. Test, test and test pricing, assumptions and value props, products, everything. But this requires that you fail fast and know that you only lose if you don’t learn something from each trial. So do small tests (a lot of them), fail fast and early, then adapt, improvise and overcome.

6. Marketing has never been more challenging, but you are fully prepared to handle it. Yes, there is a lot to digital. But there is a lot more to use, learn and see as well. Today, the best digital marketing insights and ideas can be delivered right to your inbox by brands using all the points we discussed to engage you and drive your evangelism.

That is the absolute beauty of digital marketing. When everyone is trying to be the right brand, doing the right thing to be worthy of our evangelism, we as marketers get a front-row seat to see world-class ideas and execution and use it to create our own version and set a new standard they have to meet.

To see more thinking like this as well as templates and inspiration to create your own world-class digital campaigns, click here



Chris Aarons

Marketing, communication, and strategies to make your brand the envy of the market.