Dead Animals. BORING!
My words taste better after the first sip of morning coffee. Please do so before continuing.
Dr. Giovanni Aloi is an expert in the field of taxidermy. His 2023 Visual Voices lecture on Speculative Taxidermy at George Mason University was interesting, but my brain could handle just so much information. Feeling like a lecture, at one point, I just heard talking, and talking, and talking, and talking. I wondered, do I hate this or do I like this? Another minute of talking and I would grow feathers; my body was present, but my mind was lost on a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, trying to figure out how not to get devoured by the Bengal tiger (Lee, 2012). With the technical difficulties and having overly excessive substance in his presentation, Dr. Aloi could benefit from more efficient ways to create a welcoming event that attracts people’s attention and doesn’t put most to sleep.
The delay did not make it promising. The organizer’s Zoom decided to go on vacation and the event got delayed fifteen minutes. Besides, having it in person would have been better because Zoom makes it difficult for the speaker to connect with the audience (Davidson 2021). I mean, in the same room, I am noticed. In a virtual event, I could be in the Bahamas running a marathon with a monkey, and I might as well be fictional. Nevertheless, everything looked fine once we finally started. Then disaster struck….again.
I can watch a full movie while holding my pee, but stick me in a room, listening to a presentation like that of Dr. Giovanni’s for over an hour and I could fall apart. He spoke for an hour and eight minutes. I may seem overdramatic, but… Actually, listen to what Snow has to say in this Forbes article: “humans have an 8-second attention span… and it’s getting shorter” (Snow 2023). I probably deserve a medal because I was able to stay invested for over eight seconds. Aloi’s content became boring for me after half an hour. But, I am sure people interested in taxidermy would have enjoyed it. Being my first experience, it was not as effective for me. Having to remain in a classroom, but surviving being taught by someone else while my professor was watching felt like I was committing fraud.
What I learned about public speaking is that the speaker must engage with the audience. Sure, a virtual event makes it more difficult. Which is why the next best thing would be to have images that keep the audience interested. Yes, the photo of the wolf was nice to see (Mason Arts Amplified 2023), but some memes would have kept the audience holding their bladder whilst at the edge of their seats, wanting more. The only way a presenter can engage with their audience’s attention is by creating an experience that allows them to be engaged (Talking Tree Creative 2018). Maybe not soap opera-level cliffhangers or The Spider Verse’s suspenseful endings, but enough so we feel part of the presentation as much as the presenter. Besides, who doesn’t want to learn about the problems of keeping a dead dog that one can’t let go of because of sentimentalism? There’s meme potential there.
The event can start late, and the content can become boring if it’s long, but there is always room for improvement when creating engagement. First, make sure Zoom is up-to-date; I do it after waking up before I do my daily 500-mile run. Second, take the information that will be presented and simplify it. It creates more time for questions and more spaces for engagement so the audience notices that the presenter cares.
The point is: Make the event fun. Ask yourself how the audience can enjoy it as much as you do. I will most likely not be in the middle of the Pacific joining a virtual event alongside Pooh’s striped orange bouncy friend (Milne 1882–1956), but maybe I end up liking dead animals. Hopefully, next time my mind wants to be present even though my body is not there.
Now you are released to take your second sip of coffee.
Davidson, Ellis. “The Disadvantages of Online Meetings.” Small Business — Chron.Com, Chron.Com, 7 Dec. 2021, Accessed 27 Sept. 2023.
Lee, Ang. Life of Pi. Fox 2000 Pictures, 2012.
Mason Arts Amplified. “Visual Voices Lecture with Giovanni Aloi.” Mason Arts Amplified, 7 Sep. 2023, Accessed 01 Nov. 2023.
Milne, A. A. (Alan Alexander), 1882–1956. Winnie-the-Pooh. [New York] :Harper Children’s Audio, 2003.
Snow, S.Snow, Shane. “Science Shows: Humans Have Massive Capacity For Sustained Attention, And Storytelling Unlocks It.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 16 Jan. 2023, Accessed 27 Sept. 2023.
Talking Tree Creative. “Tips for Creating Engaging Experiences for Your Audience at Events.” TalkingTree Creative, 23 Feb. 2018,,to%20compete%20for%20their%20attention. Accessed 27 Sept. 2023.