Picking Up the Confidence to Date Women

Kristijan Bralo
3 min readNov 12, 2019


Welcome to my article on picking up the confidence to date women. I’m hoping that this helps some of you out with any ‘problems’ you might be having.
There are some basic aspects we must sort out before we work on your confidence.

Looks: Now, most people think ‘well, I cant really do anything about my looks if I’m a mediocre looking person’. This however certainly isn’t the truth. This is the expensive part, but it all pays off in the end. Go get yourself some nice clothes. If your going to buy some clothes for actually going on the date, make sure it suits the situation (normally casual, not overly formal). Take pride in how you look, go get a nice haircut (yes, the expensive kind) and some trendy clothes.If your unsure about the clothing, find someplace expensive and ask for advice there.

Conversational: Have you ever had to deal with someone with almost no conversational skills? Perhaps you yourself are lacking? If you find yourself often talking to girls, and they look largely distracted, they certainly don’t care for what you have to say. So what you must do is observe, and practice. Find people who are great conversationalists, and study them as much as possible. Listen to what they say, look at their body gestures, their expressions, physical contact. Every day try and teach yourself one new ‘conversational’ aspect, and in no time you will be keeping the girls interested. On a side note though don’t bring anything but fun, light hearted conversation to the table. Girls love a funny guy, and if your having a tough time being funny, at least take things less seriously. Put on a big smile, and remain positive.

As for the confidence part, remember that you are who you are. You can’t change that. But you certainly can improve it. Don’t stutter on your lines, don’t sound ‘unsure’ when asking a woman out. Be clear on your goals. A good example of something you could ask is “I was thinking we could go catch a movie sometime, we can grab some dinner afterwards”. If you have been given a womans number, call her up with the same ‘clear goal’ planned out. Don’t spend too long with chit chatter, you will have more than enough time on the date for that.

The one that takes a lot of work of course is the conversational. Yet it is all about practice. This well help you to be well prepared for your supposed date. Of course the part of actually asking a girl out can seem very tough. What you must remind yourself of however is that ‘I really have nothing to lose’, and you don’t. Sure, you might get rejected, but thats the worst that can actually happen. If it doesn’t work the first time, try it on another woman, if it doesn’t work for her, keep going. This again relates to practice. As you keep asking around, you will learn to be better with your conversational side, and will learn how to relate better (remember to LISTEN — I cant stress this enough). If you keep trying, you will eventually ‘strike gold’. Dont let one failing knock you down, remember that everyone gets rejected, and thats just a fact of life. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

