My eureka moment about the Holy Trinity

Chris Antenucci
2 min readAug 27, 2017

A New Understanding of the Holy Trinity:

I just came up with a question about the Trinity that blew my mind. We believe that God the Father generated God the Son, Jesus. But how is that possible if God always existed? Generation is the beginning of something new, but God is in eternity, which is unchanging. How could a God who had no beginning generate Himself, or be God from God, light from light, true God from true God, as it says in the Bible?

Here’s the answer I came up with for this question:

How was Jesus “born” from the Father if there’s no time in eternity, and birth is an event, which can only happen in time? Because this was a different kind of birth. This was an eternal, and thus continuous birth. This was a birth that had no beginning and no end, because God has no beginning and no end. So God the Father always existed in a state of perpetually birthing Jesus, who always existed in a state of being continuously born from the Father. That birth wasn’t an event, it was a metaphysical and spiritual state of being.

This realization just blew my mind.

It’s like the sun, if the sun had no beginning. How does the sun keep giving off light and heat on its own, without any external input? It generates its own energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. It’s a continuous reaction that doesn’t need anything to keep it going. You could say the hydrogen is the Father, and the helium is the Son, only with God, there’s an infinite supply of hydrogen. God is like a sun that always existed, and the generation of the Son from the Father is like the nuclear fusion reaction that produces helium, with the bond that connects the two being the Holy Spirit.



Chris Antenucci

I’m a Catholic who’s trying to do God’s Will in all things until His Will replaces mine. My desire is to lead people to Jesus and Mother Mary to save souls.