How To Program From Ground Up With Minimal BS — Part 3— Data Structures — Negative Binary Numbers

Chris Athanas
Mar 10, 2024


The course that I wish I had been given when I started learning about programming computers.

BIG IDEA — Negative numbers are represented as “signed” binary using a special “2’s Complement” representation.

  • They are “signed” because they can represent both positive and negative numbers (“negative sign” or “positive sign”.)
  • 2’s Complement is the most common way to represent negative numbers in binary.
  • 2’s Complement is a simple binary inversion with 1 extra step, or “complement” of the number (“flipping” the bits) and then adding 1.
  • 2’s Complement is used to represent negative numbers in binary because it makes the addition and subtraction of numbers easier.

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Chris Athanas

KMP (Kotlin Mutli-Platform) Android+iOS+Web Developer, Based out of Austin, TX and Tepoztlán, Mexico