When You Should Pass the Mic

Chris Boulanger
3 min readFeb 10, 2016

Your business needs you to do so many things and do them well. But maybe digital marketing isn’t one of them. If you’re strapped for time or don’t have enthusiasm for the web, then you should think about passing your digital marketing off to a pro.

Here are a few more signs that you need to let go of your digital marketing responsibilities:

Your Digital Marketing Plans Go Haywire

Digital marketing requires a balance of creative and logical thinking plus comfort with online tools. If you excel in one area, but not others, then you can find yourself with a lot of unwatched YouTube videos, blog posts that no one ever reads, and a mailing list filled with spammers.

Hiring a digital marketer lets you pass responsibility for execution off to someone else. You still get to push your ideas, but someone else makes sure they get results.

You Can’t Handle the “social” Part of Social Media.

Not everyone is comfortable sharing pics of their breakfast with strangers or encountering the rabid fans of Justin Beiber every day.

If you can’t stand the thought of tweeting or don’t “like” anything you see in your feeds, then it’s time to hire a professional. Let someone spend their time giving out likes, favorites, and shares to build your social traffic while you focus on building your business in other ways.

The Web is Exotic to You

Sure you’ve got an email address and a website, but how many apps do you have? Have you ever visited Reddit or lost yourself to cat videos?

If the web isn’t for you, then you definitely want to hire someone to stand in for you. Your digital marketing company will help you avoid all the little headaches that come from being online while delivering business. Given a little time, they might even convince you to become more active (or not).

You’re Too Busy Hustlin’ Offline

The web is crucial to many businesses, but there are still plenty of people building their revenue through calling, writing books, public speaking and other offline channels. Maybe you’re one of them.

If you’ve got a knack for picking up leads at conferences or you’re authoring a book to take your personal brand to the next level, then you should consider hiring a digital marketer to handle the online work for you.

While you may be winning business IRL — that means “in real life” — that doesn’t mean you can’t have someone working on your online opportunities. An added bonus is that your new digital marketing partner could help you get more attendees for your next speaking engagement or more pre-orders for your new book.

Remember, It’s Okay to Delegate

If any of the situations above seem familiar to you, then maybe you should start looking for a digital marketing firm to take over. Yes, it can feel scary to let someone else handle a part of your business but the benefits outweigh risks. Start searching online today — or use the phone book if that’s your preference.

Featured image from http://www.shellytiffin.com/found-hope-microphone-pain/

Originally published at Chris Boulanger.



Chris Boulanger

Crafting marketing strategies. Managing marketing projects. Drinking great beer. Living well. San Francisco - Chicago - Somerville