Even a “Mild” Case of Covid-19 is Awful

Chris Cardinal
4 min readApr 6, 2020
Photo by Kelly Sikkema from Unsplash

The “novel” part of “novel coronavirus” is the important bit: this is a virus that literally no human being on earth had ever encountered, in any capacity, before November of 2019. It is wholly unique in its presentation to our immune system, and because of that, we’re seeing a wide range of symptoms and responses and case acuity.

I want to make a simple point and call out how misleading the idea of a “mild” case of Covid-19 is: you do not want this virus. Even when “mild,” it is an ordeal.

It would only be fair to describe my case of Covid-19 as “mild”. “Moderate” would be a stretch. I developed a slight (99°F) fever for exactly one night, four days after exposure. I didn’t require medication. I only had a minor, infrequent dry cough. I did not develop any sore throat or running nose. But I was wracked with fatigue and malaise for an entire full week and then some. I felt spaced out and distant, and perpetually exhausted. You can almost feel your body trying to work out what to do with this infection, searching for an answer. This was not a simple cold. This was not the flu. This was something new, and different, and it felt like it.

I have never been sick like this.



Chris Cardinal

Quick study. I try to assimilate information quickly, and package it up in ways that people can really digest. Run a web dev shop by day.