Crossing to the Dark Side

Chris Dixon
1 min readJun 8, 2017


Self-mortification, or 24hr Adventure Racing.

Crossing over to the dark side for a week, I picked up a few Catholic history books to get a balancing view for an essay on the Reformation. ‘H.W. Crocker the Third’ in ‘Triumph’ proves history books can be laugh out loud funny. But many a serious word is spoken in jest and his comments about ‘Ignatius Loyola’ are poignant.

“When Ignatius Loyola punished his body, it was so that it would better serve God’s will rather that his own. Such mortification seems positively perverse in our day, because we think nothing of training the body for God, only for athletic events or for personal power and prestige. In the modern world of psycho-babble, if men are from Mars and women are from Venus, Ignatius Loyola was from Christendom and Modern man is from Commercial Television.”



Chris Dixon

Ad guy in a Christian Mission — Christian Mission guy in the Ad industry.