Closing the Trust Gap (part 2)

4 min readDec 5, 2019


Also hosted on github.

In part 1 of this series, I explained how transaction confirmation dialogs could look like. Instead of


they could show

This transaction calls setName("Chris"), which is documented
by the developers of the contract as:
Sets the stored name to "Chris".

This would be a tremendous win both with regards to usability and security.

In this part, we will see what the missing pieces in the ecosystem are to get to that point.


The Solidity compiler has been producing an artefact called “metadata” since version 0.4.7, which was released in December 2016.

The metadata is a json file that contains all information that could be relevant for the users of contracts:

It includes the ABI, developer documentation, the “userdoc”, a link to the source code and more! The “userdoc” is the text mentioned above to be shown in the confirmation dialog in natspec format, so this means the metadata is all you need to decode the transaction payload according to the ABI and show the summary of what the called function does — you can even provide a link to the source code just in case the user wants to know more about they contract they are interacting with!

Here is a compressed example of such a metadata file:

"version": 1,
"compiler": { "version": "0.5.10+commit.5a6ea5b1" },
"language": "Solidity",
"output": {
"abi": [ ... ],
"devdoc": { ... },
"userdoc": {
"methods": {
"renounceOwnership()": {
"notice": "Renouncing to ownership will leave the cont..."
"settings": { ... },
"sources": {
"<stdin>": {
"keccak256": "0x7e6642a1b3d0e53c6...71be8fcff81ad78c9cb7d",
"urls": [


So the metadata file is closing the trust gap. The only downside is that there are currently two problems we have to overcome.

Where to get the metadata file?

The first problem is that there is no real way to obtain the metadata file. If wallets had access to all metadata files of all contracts, they would of course use it, but that is not the case.

The Solidity compiler wanted to solve this problem from the start, but it somehow did not work out as planned.

The idea was that the compiler appends the swarm hash of the metadata file to the bytecode. This way, wallets just have to retrieve the bytecode, search for the swarm hash at its end and download the metadata file from swarm.

This would have worked perfectly, but swarm is just not ready yet to host files permanently. We tried ipfs, it turned out that at least the cloudfront gateway seems to keep files for longer, but that is of course also not a real solution to the problem.

The real solution will be provided in part 3, so please stay tuned!

I mentioned that there are two problems, so what is the second problem?

Source verification

Have you ever verified a contract on Etherscan? Did you use a flattener? By that I mean: Did you actually modify the source code?

It turns out that you can change the source code in any way you like, as long as it results in the same bytcode and etherscan will still show “exact match”.

This means you can change the natspec comments, internal variable names, internal function names, names of contracts and so on.

I find this very alarming, especially since etherscan only accepts the first contract that produces matching bytecode and does not allow changes afterwards. So if a malicious party uploads different source code before you are able to, they can fool your users.

Of course you could say that if it compiles to the same bytecode, there is nothing you can do because both versions are source versions of the bytecode in the same way.

But that is not true.

Etherscan tells you “exact match”, but when it compares bytecode, it actually ignores the last bytes in the deployed bytecode, the metadata hash.

There is a reason to it: If you do not use the exact same source code up to every byte, with the exact same whitespace and comments, the source hash and thus the metadata hash will be different. The same is true for the compiler settings, because they are also part of the metadata.

So it is rather difficult to recompile source code such that also the metadata hash matches.

Only that this is also not true:

The thing is that if you just use the metadata file itself as a basis for recompilation, you do not even need to fiddle with the settings, select the compiler version, flatten the source code and so on. If the source code is available on swarm or ipfs, all you really have to do is upload the metadata file and nothing else. It is all in the metadata file. It can even be done in a way such that you do not have to specify the contract address!

It gets better: In part 3 I will show you a system where you only have to upload the metadata file and the source files to ipfs and the contract will be source-verified automatically, you do not have to click a single button!

One takeaway from this article: Hold on to the metadata file produced by the compiler!

So what about malicious actors that try to verify modified source?

If you recompile the source code and do not ignore the metadata hash but compare the full bytecode instead, you can be sure that the source is an exact match up to every single line in the documentation because the hash of the metadata is part of the bytecode and the hash of the source is part of the metadata.

There is no way to fool the user anymore. The source is exactly the same as the one used for compiling the deployed bytecode.

