The Evolution of AI

Christopher Garcia
5 min readJul 8, 2024


In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made leaps and bounds with ground breaking advancements in Generative AI (Gen AI), natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning. In this segment, I will review and respond to some of AI’s current implications both good and bad.

Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

Having worked on various data science projects myself, I have witnessed firsthand how AI tools have become more sophisticated and accessible, revolutionizing industries like healthcare, finance, education, and government to name a few. A study conducted by McKinsey indicated that 65 percent of respondents mentioned using AI in some way within their organizations. What is AI? How has it affected everyday life? Where is AI going? These are some of the questions I will be answering as I return from my long hiatus. Through this time, I will discuss AI, different implications, tutorials in data science and current events on how AI can change the world.

Artificial Intelligence

If you live under a rock and have not heard about AI, then let me get you up to speed. IBM describes AI as “technology that enables computers and machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities.” In essence, computers having the ability to think for themselves. If you are really into movies and maybe a little paranoid, then AI to you may look like Skynet taking over every IoT device on Earth, leading to what Hollywood phrases as “Judgement Day,” the fall of mankind.

However, we are long ways from The Terminator coming from the future to prevent us from using AI for ordering a chicken nuggets at your local fast food chain. The birth of AI started between the years of 1950 and 1956. A man named Alan Turing published the logical framework in a paper called “Computing Machinery and Intelligence,” pondering the question on whether machines could actually think for themselves.

AI is nothing new, however, its integration into everyday life has been making lots of noise in the last couple of years due to the exponential growth in data, which has allowed for AI to flourish within different industries today.

Photo by Thierry K on Unsplash

AI in Action

AI is everywhere. From marketing channels, fintech, healthcare, education, e-commerce, transportation, you name it. There is a use case for everything. It is easy to see how one might think AI is taking over. However, this is not the case. Yet. That is not to say that AI will become Skynet, but AI will be used to make life more efficient. For example, if you live in San Francisco, California, then you may have noticed cars driving around without human supervision carrying passengers in the backseat.

Autonomous driving has been under scrutiny in recent years due to its lack of safety measures. GM’s Cruise, has had to remove their vehicles from the streets of San Francisco after being the cause of traffic jams, and various accidents. However, we still see organizations such as Google’s Waymo, rolling out more vehicles than ever despite these challenges. But there is a good side to this. Having a driverless taxi can increase the safety from riders, allowing them to arrive to their destinations a little slower than on an Uber, but safely.

Photo by Waymo

Autonomous driving is not the only way AI can benefit society. Healthcare and medicine is another realm that has been significantly impacted by the growth of AI. The large amounts of data within this field opened the opportunity for AI to be used in this space. AI is currently being used to support physicians in diagnosing disease, or predicting the spread of some diseases which in turn allows them to personalize treatment plans for patients. Although there are a bunch of benefits to AI, there can also be challenges.

The usage of large amounts of data comes with concerns regarding privacy and security. How do we know our data is safe? How do we know our data will not be used maliciously? The answer is, we do not. Accordingly to Readwrite, organizations are creating more advanced encryption techniques which can help with preventing data leaks. We also do not know whether or not organizations are actually abiding by the protection of data they use. Ethics and government regulations also pose as a major challenges for the advancement of AI in society.

Generative AI, The Next Big Thing?

Let’s move onto a buzz word that has been making lots of headway. Generative AI (Gen AI). Gen AI falls under the subset of machine learning. Just like any other aspect of AI, Gen AI utilizes data to learn from in order to provide a given output. The only difference being, Gen AI uses text, images, audio, videos, as well as code as input.

If you may have heard, Gen AI is being used by many to create cover letters, resumes, music, short stories, and images. The first name that comes to mind when anyone thinks of Gen AI, is OpenAI’s ChatGPT chatbot. A recent article in The Wall Street Journal, “That Essay Got a B+. An AI Bot Graded It”, mentions that some teachers have been using AI to grade students’ papers.

Although OpenAI’s ChatGPT has been one of the most popular names in Gen AI today, there are other organizations competing for a spot in the fight. Some of those include Anthropic’s Claude, Microsoft’s Copilot, and Google’s Gemini just to name a few.


In summary, the evolution of AI has been nothing short of remarkable, with significant advancements in generative AI, natural language processing, and machine learning reshaping various industries. From enhancing healthcare diagnostics to revolutionizing finance and education, AI’s integration into everyday life continues to grow, offering both exciting possibilities and notable challenges.

We explored the foundational concepts of AI, tracing its origins back to Alan Turing’s pioneering work, and discussed its pervasive impact across different sectors. Autonomous driving, despite its current controversies, exemplifies AI’s potential to transform transportation, while AI’s role in healthcare showcases its ability to personalize and improve patient care.

However, with these advancements come concerns about data privacy, security, and ethical considerations. The rise of generative AI, typified by tools like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, introduces new dimensions to AI’s capabilities, enabling the creation of text, images, music, and more. This burgeoning field is not without competition, as companies like Anthropic, Microsoft, and Google compete for prominence in the AI landscape.

As I embark on this renewed blogging journey, I’ll delve deeper into these topics, provide practical tutorials in data science, and keep you updated on the latest AI developments. Join me as we navigate the fascinating world of AI, exploring its implications and potential to change the world for the better.

What AI developments are you most excited about? Share your thoughts below!




Christopher Garcia

Hi, I’m Chris. I am returning from a break to share new topics in AI, data science, and machine learning. Hope you learn something new.