Major Principles of Writing All Kind of Academic Papers

Chris Greenwalty
4 min readJul 25, 2020


Students are assigned with a number of academic papers throughout their years in educational institutions. These papers are aimed at providing students with an in-depth knowledge of a particular subject or topic and enhance their skills of writing and research. Good writing skills are an essential demand of these papers that help students to achieve improved grades. Along with the expertise in research skills, you also need to focus on your writing skills and strategies to attain your objectives regarding any kind of academic paper. In order to improve the quality of academic papers by hiring academic writing services, you must have an understanding of the basic principles that are used in all kind of academic writings.

Focus on Organization and Structure:

The formal and logical structure of an academic paper makes it different from other forms of writing. Cohesion is an important characteristic of academic writing where different ideas are logically organized to portray a full picture. The sentences and paragraphs must be connected through narrative links to assist reader to follow your argument. The introduction should provide the necessary information about the topic and how you will be going to discuss it in the rest of the paper.


It is true that academic writing is a complex form of writing that contains many layers of arguments to provide deeper insight into a particular topic. But students often mistake complexity as the use of difficult vocabulary and use unusual words to make their content eloquent. Students need to understand that the structure of the paper may be complicated but their ideas must be presented in a clear and precise language that helps the readers to comprehend the content. Try to convey your argument in simple language and avoid the language structures that make the paper unreadable. Clarity does not require you to limit your vocabulary; you can use the strongest words at appropriate places to get your message across.

Academic Conventions:

Citation of sources is an important aspect of academic papers. It is necessary to cite the sources in the body of paper and include a reference list at the end to acknowledge the sources used by the writer. Your cited sources are not only a defence against plagiarism but they also help the reader to independently access the sources to verify the quality of your findings and conclusions based on your literature review. Other academic conventions that need to be followed are use of headings and subheadings, avoiding informal language, avoiding contractions and use full form of acronyms when used for the first time in the paper.

Evidence-Based Reasoning:

Students are often asked to express their point of view about the topic in an academic paper. However, it is important to support your opinion with evidence derived from academic debates and scholarly sources. This evidence based reasoning will enhance the quality of your paper especially when you are highlighting solution to particular problems or providing recommendations for certain issues. The evidence from various sources will strengthen your argument and helps to convince the readers of the validity of your opinion.


The central attention in an academic paper is the thesis or the research questions that are posed for the topic. It is essential to start with particular perspective regarding the chosen topic that provides foundation for the research. Research question will help the writers to identify what strategies they will use to solve the particular research problem to derive the desired conclusions and improving learning.

Uniformity and Logical Flow:

The style of an academic paper demands consistency in two different aspects that are the uniformity of writing style and the logical flow arguments. The style that you have adopted in the introduction must be maintained throughout the paper. If you have used simple language to convey your ideas in the start, you need to commit to that form in the entire writing. Moreover, the logical flow of argument will help the reader to comprehend the important aspects of your work easily.

After completing the first draft, you need to revise and edit your paper in order to fill any information gaps. Look out for the mistakes by reading the text and make sure that all arguments are structured according to the thesis statement. Get rid of unnecessary information that may seem interesting but does not contribute to the development of your research question. These are some of the principles that can be followed in all kind of academic papers. Students need to understand these important aspects of academic papers in order to produce quality papers.

