Basic Concepts of Java Heap Dump Analysis with MAT

Isuru Perera
14 min readJul 2, 2019


Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool (MAT) is by far the best tool to analyze Java Heap Dumps. A heap dump is a snapshot of the heap memory of a Java process at a given time. The snapshot mainly consists of Java objects and classes.

Let’s go through some of the basic concepts of Java heap dump analysis with MAT. In order to explain the concepts clearly, I developed a very simple Java sample application.

You can clone the repository and use Apache Maven to build. The sample application used to explain all concepts are in memoryref directory.

git clone
cd sample-java-programs
mvn clean install
cd memoryref

Please note that I’m using Oracle JDK 8 for all examples.

The sample application

The sample application mainly uses the classes named as A, B, C, D, E, F, and G to explain the basic concepts. Each of the previously mentioned classes extend to Base class, which creates a significantly large byte array in the constructor (so that the objects will consume more memory in run-time).

Class Diagram

The sample application creates an object from class A in the main thread and another object from class Gin a daemon thread.

The instance created from class A references the instances created from other classes as shown below.

The class G does not refer any other classes.

Object Diagram

Perhaps, following diagram to show the references among objects will be more clear.

Let’s refer the source code to understand each class in detail.

Following Base class creates a large byte array as explained above. The classes A, B, C, D, E, F, and G extends this Base class.

public abstract class Base {    private final byte[] bytes;
private static final Random random = new Random();
Base() {
bytes = new byte[(10 * (1 + random.nextInt(10))) * 1024 * 1024];
public long getSize() {
return JavaAgent.getObjectSize(this) + JavaAgent.getObjectSize(bytes);

An instance created by class A will refer the instances of classes B and C .

public class A extends Base {    final B b;
final C c;
A() {
b = new B();
c = new C(b);
public long getSize() {
return super.getSize() + b.getSize() + c.getSize();

An instance created by class B will refer the instances of classes D and E.

public class B extends Base {    final D d;
final E e;
B() {
d = new D();
e = new E();
public int getSize() {
return super.getSize() + d.getSize() + e.getSize();

An instance created by class C will refer the instances of classes E and F. It’s important to note that the reference of the object e is a copy from the B class.

public class C extends Base {    final E e;
final F f;
C(B b) {
this.e = b.e;
f = new F();
public int getSize() {
return super.getSize() + f.getSize();

The D, E, F and G classes just extend the Base class.

public class D extends Base {}public class E extends Base {}public class F extends Base {}public class G extends Base {}

Following is the main application. As explained earlier, the main thread creates a new instance of class A and another background thread instantiates an object from class G.

public class MemoryRefApplication implements SampleApplication {    @Override
public void start() {
A a = new A();
long size = a.getSize();
System.out.format("The retained heap size of object A is %d bytes (~%d MiB).%n",
size, (size / (1024 * 1024)));
long objectSize = JavaAgent.getObjectSize(a);
if (objectSize > 0) {
System.out.format("The shallow heap size of object A is %d bytes.%n", objectSize);
} else {
System.out.println("WARNING: Java Agent is not initialized properly.");
Thread backgroundThread = new Thread() {
private long getSize() {
G g = new G();
return g.getSize();
public void run() {
long size = getSize();
System.out.format("The size of object allocated within the background thread was %d bytes (~%d MiB).%n",
size, (size / (1024 * 1024)));
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
backgroundThread.setName("Background Thread");
try {
System.out.println("Press Enter to exit.");;
} catch (IOException e) {
public String toString() {
return "MemoryRefApplication";

JavaAgent class is used to get an object’s size using the Java Instrumentation API.

public class JavaAgent {
private static volatile Instrumentation instrumentation;
public static void premain(final String agentArgs, final Instrumentation instrumentation) {
JavaAgent.instrumentation = instrumentation;
public static long getObjectSize(final Object object) {
if (instrumentation == null) {
return -1L;
return instrumentation.getObjectSize(object);

Running the sample application

The application creates instances of A, B, C, D, E, F, and G classes. Each object may take at least 100 Mebibytes. We need at least 700MiB for Eden space to create the mentioned objects (Eden is a part of Young Generation as explained in my previous blog post). Therefore, I specified 1GB for Young Generation (leaving enough room for survivor spaces)

I also enabled GC logs to monitor GC activity.

Following is the command I executed.

java -Xmn1g -Xmx2g -XX:+PrintGC -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -javaagent:target/memoryref.jar -jar target/memoryref.jar

Following is the sample output.

The retained heap size of object A is 304087256 bytes (~290 MiB).
The shallow heap size of object A is 24 bytes.
Press Enter to exit.
The size of object allocated within the background thread was 31457312 bytes (~30 MiB).

You can see that the retained heap and shallow size of object A is printed. The size of the object allocated within the background thread is also printed.

Now we have a sample application to go through the basic concepts of Java heap dump analysis.

Getting a memory snapshot (heap dump)

The jmap command is the best way to get a heap dump of a Java application whenever you want.

You can just execute jmap command to see all options.

$ jmap 
jmap [option] <pid>
(to connect to running process)
jmap [option] <executable <core>
(to connect to a core file)
jmap [option] [server_id@]<remote server IP or hostname>
(to connect to remote debug server)
where <option> is one of:
<none> to print same info as Solaris pmap
-heap to print java heap summary
-histo[:live] to print histogram of java object heap; if the "live"
suboption is specified, only count live objects
-clstats to print class loader statistics
-finalizerinfo to print information on objects awaiting finalization
-dump:<dump-options> to dump java heap in hprof binary format
live dump only live objects; if not specified,
all objects in the heap are dumped.
format=b binary format
file=<file> dump heap to <file>
Example: jmap -dump:live,format=b,file=heap.bin <pid>
-F force. Use with -dump:<dump-options> <pid> or -histo
to force a heap dump or histogram when <pid> does not
respond. The "live" suboption is not supported
in this mode.
-h | -help to print this help message
-J<flag> to pass <flag> directly to the runtime system

I used -dump option to get a heap dump.

mkdir heap1
jmap -dump:file=heap1/heap.hprof $(pgrep -f memoryref)

Note that I did not use live option here.

When we use the live option, a full GC will be triggered in order to sweep away unreachable objects and then dump only live objects.

Analyzing the heap dump

Let’s analyze the heap dump using Eclipse MAT.

By default, when you open a heap dump using Eclipse MAT, the Getting Started wizard will give you options to generate “Leak Suspects Report” or “Component Report”.

I generated a “Leak Suspects Report”.

Leak Suspects Report

The thread java.lang.Thread @ 0xc0005d30 main keeps local variables with total size 304,091,848 (99.85%) bytes.

The memory is accumulated in one instance of “com.github.chrishantha.sample.memoryref.A” loaded by “sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader @ 0xc004db78”.

This report showed that main threads keeps local variables with total size 304,091,848 (99.85%) bytes. This is slightly greater than the object A’s size of 304,087,256 bytes. Total heap size shown in the report is 290.4 MB

This is an interesting observation. The main thread is taking 99.85% of the heap size. Why? What happened to the instance created in the background thread?

It seems that the object created in the background thread is not counted towards the total heap size.

What is the heap dump file size?

stat -c "%s %n" heap1/heap.hprof
echo $(($(stat -c "%s" heap1/heap.hprof) / 1024 / 1024 )) MiB

The heap dump file size is actually 382 MiB. There is a reason why object created in the background thread is not counted towards the total heap size.


So, any basic Garbage Collection algorithm mainly has two steps.

  1. Mark all live objects. These objects are reachable from Garbage Collection roots.
  2. Sweep away all unreachable objects.

So, basically there are two types of objects in memory.

  1. Reachable: Any object with a direct path from a Garbage Collection root.
  2. Unreachable: Any object with no direct path from a Garbage Collection root.

Reachability and Garbage Collection roots

What are Garbage Collection roots? The GC roots are the objects accessible from outside the heap. The GC algorithms build a tree of live objects starting from these GC roots.

Following are some GC roots.

  1. System Class: Class loaded by bootstrap/system class loader.
  2. Thread Block: Objects referred to from currently active thread blocks. (Basically all objects in active thread blocks when a GC is happening are GC roots)
  3. Thread: Active Threads
  4. Java Local: All local variables (parameters, objects or methods in thread stacks)
  5. JNI Local: Local variables in native code
  6. JNI Global: Global variables in native code

So, let’s get back to our problem. I did not use the live option and therefore, there was no GC event as well.

What happened was that the Eclipse MAT removed the unreachable objects.

So, if the heap dump file size and the total heap size shown in Eclipse MAT is significantly different, the Eclipse MAT might have actually removed any unreachable objects.

We can turn off this behavior, by setting “Keep unreachable objects” option in Eclipse MAT -> Window -> Preferences -> Memory Analyzer.

Let’s open the heap dump again with this option.

Before opening the same heap dump again, we need to remove the reports, indexes, etc. created by Eclipse MAT.

I used the command “rm heap1/!(heap.hprof)” to delete the Leak Suspects report, indexes, etc. (Be careful when you use rm command and make sure you use it wisely)

I generated “Leak Suspects Report” again.

After setting the option in Eclipse MAT to “Keep unreachable objects”, we can see the that total heap size is actually closer to the heap dump file size.

Problem Suspect 1

The thread java.lang.Thread @ 0xc0005d30 main keeps local variables with total size 304,088,536 (76.04%) bytes.

The memory is accumulated in one instance of “com.github.chrishantha.sample.memoryref.A” loaded by “sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader @ 0xc004db78”.

Problem Suspect 2

604 instances of “int[]”, loaded by “<system class loader>” occupy 61,802,248 (15.45%) bytes.

Biggest instances:

int[4026494] @ 0xd6e14a40–16,105,992 (4.03%) bytes.

int[4026424] @ 0xc0f5c448–16,105,712 (4.03%) bytes.

int[4023772] @ 0xd40bb0b8–16,095,104 (4.02%) bytes.

int[3371362] @ 0xc027fd00–13,485,464 (3.37%) bytes.

The objects shown under “Problem Suspect 2” are actually the unreachable objects and those objects are eligible for garbage collection.

So, Eclipse MAT is actually doing us a favor by removing unreachable objects by default. We usually don’t need to spend time with any unreachable objects.

I got another heap dump with live option.

mkdir heap2
jmap -dump:live,file=heap2/heap.hprof $(pgrep -f memoryref)

When the jmap command was executed, a full GC event was triggered in the application.

2019-06-30T22:25:37.803+0530: [GC (Heap Dump Initiated GC) [PSYoungGen: 390595K->92802K(917504K)] 390595K->297610K(1129984K), 0.0993590 secs] [Times: user=0.21 sys=0.10, real=0.10 secs] 
2019-06-30T22:25:37.902+0530: [Full GC (Heap Dump Initiated GC) [PSYoungGen: 92802K->92699K(917504K)] [ParOldGen: 204808K->204801K(416256K)] 297610K->297501K(1333760K), [Metaspace: 3703K->3703K(1056768K)], 0.0387960 secs] [Times: user=0.09 sys=0.00, real=0.04 secs]

Here, we can see the cause of GC events as “Heap Dump Initiated GC”.

The new heap dump file size is 291 MiB, which was the total heap size when all unreachable objects were removed.

Heap Dump Overview

Let’s continue to go through the basic concepts with heap1/heap.hprof analysis.

The default view of Eclipse MAT after opening a heap dump is the “Overview” pane.

Overview pane

The pie chart shows the biggest objects by retained size. From Leak Suspects report, we know that 290MB is the retained size for the main thread.

From the heap dump overview page, we can do following actions.

  1. Histogram: Lists number of instances per class
  2. Dominator Tree: List the biggest objects and what they keep alive.
  3. Top Consumers: Print the most expensive objects grouped by class and by package.
  4. Duplicate Classes: Detect classes loaded by multiple class loaders.

These actions will help to figure out which objects actually take more memory.

Shallow vs Retained Heap

We talked about shallow and retained heap sizes earlier. Let’s go through the definitions first.

Shallow heap is the memory consumed by one object. The actual memory consumed by one object depends on the underlying architecture.

Retained Heap of an object is the sum of shallow sizes of all objects in the retained set of that object.

Retained set of an object is the set of objects, which would be removed by GC when that particular object is garbage collected.

For example, let’s see the object diagram of object a of type A. (This is the same image shown above)

Object diagram

Retained set of object a is the set of objects which would be removed by GC when object a is garbage collected. So, the retained set of the object a is {b, c, d, e, f}. The retained heap of object a is the sum shallow heap sizes of a, b, c, d, e, and f including the shallow heap sizes of byte arrays in each object.

In order to find out the retained heap and shallow heap sizes for the biggest objects, we can use the Dominator Tree in Eclipse MAT.

The Dominator Tree

The Dominator Tree is produced from the object graph in the heap dump. The “ Dominator Tree” can be viewed from the “Heap Dump Overview” page.

An object x dominates an object y if every path in the object graph from the start (or the root) node to y must go through x.

Above informal definition is taken from Eclipse MAT help page.

Since the tree is created based on object references, we can easily identify dependencies of objects.

Dominator Tree

Here, we again see that main thread is the biggest object.

Calculating Retained Size

I calculated the precise retained heap sizes using the option shown in above screenshot.

Expanded Tree View

Here, the main thread dominates the object a. The object a dominates objects b, c, and e. Note that the immediate dominator of object e is a, since the object e is referenced in both b and c objects. This shows that the edges in the dominator tree do not directly correspond to object references from the object graph.

Following was the output of the application.

The retained heap size of object A is 304087256 bytes (~290 MiB).
The shallow heap size of object A is 24 bytes.
Press Enter to exit.
The size of object allocated within the background thread was 31457312 bytes (~30 MiB).

Here, we can see that the application has also calculated shallow and retained heap sizes precisely. I knew how the dominator tree would look like :) Basically, I didn’t calculate the object size of e in class C since it was also shared in class B.

Dominator Tree also shows that the instance of class G is unreachable.

Unreachable object

Incoming and Outgoing References

In Eclipse MAT, we can see the incoming and outgoing references for a given object by right clicking an object and selecting List Objects -> with outgoing references / with incoming references

As explained earlier, the dominator tree is built out of the object graph, but the edges of the tree do not directly correspond to object references.

The object references shown here should be same as follows.

Object outgoing references

Let’s look at incoming and outgoing references for some classes in sample application.

Outgoing references for class “A”
Incoming references for class “A”

Earlier, we saw that object a dominates object e. Let’s look at the references of object e.

Outgoing references for class “E”
Incoming references for class “E”

Incoming references for class E are from classes B and C even though the immediate dominator of object e is object a.

Finding Paths to the GC Roots

Another useful feature in Eclipse MAT is the ability to find paths to the GC roots.

Following is the path to GC roots from class E. This view was opened by right clicking the class E in dominator tree and selecting Path To GC Roots -> with all references

We can see that the GC root of the instance of class E is the main thread.

The Histogram

Histogram shows the number of instances per class. It’s by default in descending order of retained size. You can open the Histogram from overview pane or by clicking the icon shown below.

Creating a histogram

Histogram is useful to find the retained heap size by class and find out how many instances per class.

In the sample application, there is only one object for classes A to G.



In this story, I explained several basic concepts of heap dump analysis with Eclipse Memory Analyzer using a sample application I developed. I covered some basics of generating heap dumps, reachability, GC roots, shallow vs. retained heap, and dominator tree.

There are many more things that I haven’t covered. For example, the Object Query Language (OQL). The OQL is an SQL-like language. When comparing with SQL, we can consider classes as tables, objects as rows and fields as columns. I didn’t use OQL with the sample application, but there are many cases that OQL will be very useful. Eclipse MAT’s help is the best place to start learning OQL.

